It seems that the UofB Press Office doesn't know its R's from its Elba.

I waded through Krivit again (and avoided the piles of M.Y. poop -- totally 
off-topic, of course) to find :

Original article : “Bianchini is not an employee of our university but a 
student ....

Comment Martinez says:
December 1, 2011 at 08:44 

David Bianchini IS NOT a student. He has a degree in physics and he works as a 
professional (“Tecnico Esperto in materia di Radioprotezione”) for the UniBo :

DAVID   Bianchini 10/01/2011 09/01/2012 Technical Expert in the field of 
radiation protection   € 32,000.00
(Sure sounds like he has a contract with 9 months to run)

SK went back to the press office :

Dear Simona,

Q. Is David Bianchini a student?
A. No, he isn’t.

Q. Is David Bianchini a student at UNIBO?
A. No, he is no longer a UNIBO student.

Q. If so, in what program?
A. He was a student of a Specialization School in Health Physics, curriculum in 
Radiation Protection.

Q. Is he a member of the staff?
A. No, he isn’t.

(So ... not a student, not on staff, but is on the payroll. )

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