I've emailed Robert Green and asked for more data and if what I get looks good, I will buy one of the 2 cylinder 10 Hp unit to have a play. From what I can find this is my front runner steam engine to use as the torque source for a domestic LENR CHP unit. With 24/7 LENR primary heat source and CHP with electricity generation at around 5 - 6 Ac kWs, who needs to worry about grid tie?

On 12/6/2011 2:36 PM, ecat builder wrote:
Hi Aussie,

I posted that and a few other steam engines earlier that got a bunch
of thoughtful replies.


However, maybe a discussion of grid-tie in using existing solar/wind
systems would be interesting. Some of the new tie-in controllers tell
you how much carbon you're not using. (!?)

- Brad
p.s. Aussie, or any other Vortex person.. The Nelson slides mention
someone from Quantum Energy Technologies being at the Rossi demo... Do
you know if this company is one and the same?

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