On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 1:52 PM, Mary Yugo <maryyu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Remember that guy who measured a gamma spike while Rossi was adjusting
>> a reactor in the other room?
> I don't.  Is there a link or citation? (thanks)

Now there is: see my transcript of the LENR documentary:


It was Celani.  Here is the relevant part.

> After various vicissitudes, because the reactor was having major
> problems, some inner resistors had broken down, Mr. Rossi came out
> of the room delighted: "The reactor has started".  Before he came
> out, a few minutes before, I had independently measured that both
> the gamma detector and the mini Geiger had hit the top of the scale,
> whereas the two detectors of electromagnetic interference were not
> showing anything.

> This meant that a short but intense emission of gamma radiation had
> taken place.
Berke Durak

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