Aussie Guy E-Cat wrote:

Aussie FITs require the grid to be fed via a grid connect inverter and the inverter fed by a "Renewable" energy source. I doubt LENR would qualify.

A few years after the introduction of cold fusion, no one will be talking about renewable energy anymore. All the laws pertaining to it will be a dead letter. The most expensive sources of energy will be the first to go. Despite rapid improvements wind and solar are still cheaper than fossil fuel, so they will go bankrupt before fossil fuel does.

Fossil fuel especially oil will drop in price radically with the introduction of cold fusion. The producers will rush to sell off their stocks as quickly as possible, before they become worthless. Also their own costs will be reduced because they will not do much maintenance on their fleets of oil tankers and refineries. They will run this equipment until it wears out. There will be no need to replace it.

I grew up supporting the grid and will fight to see it retained. However LENR brings new business opportunities.

I grew up using slide rules, and programming mainframe computers and minicomputers, but I felt no loyalty toward that technology. I was glad to see it replaced by microcomputers. It makes no sense to cling to obsolete technology. LENR will not just bring new business opportunities, it will obliterate all other sources of energy, and all supporting technology that is no longer needed.

- Jed

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