He is not wrong. As are all the other LENR researchers who have reported excess heat and transmutations. I have had lengthy discussions with Rossi that I can't disclose. The plant works. Jed also has enough information from others, as I have had, to be sure the plant works as do others. Sure it is work in progress but so what? You think that is a surprise? As to how it works, I don't really care. What I can disclose is Rossi is a very conservative man. What he says he will do he does. Unlike other potential LENR device suppliers that promises the world, yet have never shown a working device. Rossi has been doing demos for around 1 year. Sure some were a failures but hey that happens with prototypes and supports that Rossi has a process that works most of the time and is in the first stage of commercial development. We have no problem in being an early adopter.

The world needs to accept LENR reactions do produce excess heat, transmutations and almost no radiation. The job now is to come together to fully understand what is going on and stop dashing those that have reported successful LENR results from Pons and Fleischmann to Rossi. It may be a different dog but the leg action is the same.

On 12/9/2011 12:28 PM, Giovanni Santostasi wrote:
I will be glad to apologize to Rossi if he is right.
What are we going to do if he is wrong?

On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 7:52 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat <aussieguy.e...@gmail.com <mailto:aussieguy.e...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    At Rossi's suggestion we have taken a step back and will wait for
    the technical specs of the high temperature 1 MW E-Cat plant to be
    published before we continue our discussions to present Rossi with
    a purchase order. He is very conservative and has NEVER pushed us
    to purchase a plant or to pay him any money in advance. It is
    always after we sign the purchase order, money is then placed into
    an escrow account until it is proven the plant passes his

    Sorry guys but these are not the actions of someone engaged in a
    scam or fraud. Rossi must have an amazingly thick skin as he tries
    to get his work done while many on this forum and elsewhere claim
    he is a fraud and scammer, while others seem to claim divine
    intelligence that LENR is a fraud and all the scientists who have
    reported positive LENR results are incompetent fools. For some it
    seems that is all they do and would suggest either they do not
    have a day job or this activity is their day job. I do trust those
    that have engaged in this activity will have the "Balls" to one
    day publicly apologize to Andrea Rossi and support the drive to
    award Pons and Fleischmann a Nobel.

    On 12/9/2011 11:58 AM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint wrote:

        ... if you are specifically referring to our ‘poster from down
        under’, AussieGuy, with about half the posting rate as you, HE
        REPORT HIS FINDINGS! Even with all your

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