I'm coming to this discussion a little late, I know, and I'll probably
repeat points others have covered, but as I read through the nonsense
Rothwell writes, I can't carry on to the next nonsensical paragraph until
I've dealt with the previous, so I'll post my thoughts as I work through
it. If you feel he's been adequately refuted by others already, feel free
to ignore.

On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 11:58 AM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>wrote:

> In this case you should do what I described earlier:
> Bring ~30 L of water to boil in a large pot
> Insulate the pot, but not much, so that the outer layer is still too hot
> to touch (60 to 80 deg C).
> Check the temperature periodically for 4 hours and see whether it remains
> at boiling temperature, or cools down.
> That may sound silly, but I am 100% serious. Any skeptic who sincerely
> believes the claim may be mistaken should be willing to do this test.

That you would even write this shows that you pay no attention to the
experiment, or what other people try to tell you about it. It is not simply
a large pot. It is a large 100-kg device, with plenty of volume unaccounted
for. You can store energy in 100 kg of material heated to a high
temperature. You cannot store much energy in a simple pot. You can also put
fuel into large unaccounted for volume. You can't do that in a pot.

 Frankly, if anyone is being silly it is the skeptics who are unwilling to
> try this, or to deal with the fact that this is a direct simulation of eCat
> behavior.

It's not a direct simulation because a 1-kg pot is not like a 100-kg
container. And there is no need for skeptics to do anything when it is
perfectly obvious that a 100-kg device can easily keep water boiling for 4
hours, or 40 hours for that matter.

> However, you can ignore that, not replace the water, and simply look at
> the heat lost from 30 L container.

OK. For a container that size at 60C  in a room at 30C, covered with foil
with an emissivity less than 10%, the heat loss is about 50 W. Over 3.5
hours, that's less than a MJ (less then 3/4 MJ). You don't think you can
store 3/4 MJ in 100 kg of material, at any temperature?

> This is a much easier test than making a copy of the reactor. This is as
> definitive and irrefutable as a test with a copy would be. This test gets
> to the point, without confusing the issue, and without getting into debates
> about trivial and irrelevant matters such as the placement of the cooling
> loop outlet thermocouple.

Or such as the heat or chemical fuel that you can store in a 100 kg device.

> The only way this may not model the reactor in all important respects
> would be if there is a hidden source of chemical or electric energy. There
> is absolute no evidence for that.

Well, now, if there were evidence for it, it wouldn't be hidden, would it?
There is absolutely no evidence for a nuclear source either.

And you left out a hidden source of thermal energy storage.

> To put it another way, if there is a hidden source, it is hidden so well
> no expert has seen any trace of it, and there no suggestions anywhere as to
> how you might simulate it; i.e. how you might hide wires large enough to
> keep a 30 L pot boiling for 4 hours.

You're just not listening. There are suggestions all over the internet for
how you might simulate it with thermal storage, thermite, alcohol and
oxygen candles, and so on. For your reduced experiment, it would be simple
in fact.

> (There are a few crackpot ideas about putting bricks heated to 3000 deg C
> into the reactor beforehand. There is no way that could work, and it would
> be dangerous, so do not try it.)
A sure sign that you do not have a rebuttal for the actual argument is that
you replace it with an absurd one. No one suggested heating bricks to
3000C, nor is it necessary to do it beforehand. For your simplified
experiment of supplying the heat lost through the insulation, less than a
MJ is needed. Even if you double that to keep the water boiling it's only 2
MJ. That's a small fraction of the 34 MJ of heat that went in during the
pre-heat phase. And 10 kg of fire brick (only 1/10 of the total mass) only
has to change temperature by about 200C to provide that heat. Heating fire
brick to 1000C should not be a problem to provide much more. Or use a salt
like sodium nitrate with an even higher heat capacity, and a large heat of
fusion (190 J/g) at the melting point of 308C, for even more storage with a
relatively small temperature change.

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