Humor is an sadly complex and intricate subject, I have studied is an
amateur, starting with Bergson's "La rire" In my former newsletter Info
Kappa I wrote
two editorials, 358 and 359 about Humor. This theory is very important I
Otherwise, in practice humor is a 3 S issue: sadism, sex, shit.
Here it is comme il faut to practice a bit of sadistic humor.

To Susan- it is not very relevant if Mary is e-female or e-male. She owns
what I miss- certainties. I envy her for that. Again not important that
this certainties are negative re Rossi. We need time, 3-6 months I think to
have a definitive solution- scam or a new technology.

On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 10:20 AM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> Humour is an act of aggression.
> A German academic sees humour as an act of aggression, and says that
> people who make others laugh think that they are higher up the social
> ladder than their audiences.
> Helga Kotthoff, of the Frieburg University of Education, claims that
> dominant people exploit the ability to make others laugh as a degree of
> control to show that they are in charge.
> The research, which was published in the Journal of Pragmatics, suggest
> that the role of humour is not to make other people laugh as much as it is
> to make others know who is in charge.
> The theory explains why until recently it has been extremely rare for
> women to tell jokes in front of men, according to Helga Kotthoff of the
> Frieburg University of Education.
> She said: "Those 'on top' are freer to make others laugh. They are also
> freer to be more aggressive and a lot of what is funny is making jokes at
> someone else's expense.
> "Displaying humour means taking control of the situation from those higher
> up the hierarchy and this is risky for people of lower status, which before
> the 1960s meant women rarely made other people laugh - they couldn't afford
> to.
> "Comedy and satire are based on aggressiveness and not being nice," she
> said. "Until the 1960s it was seen as unladylike to be funny. But even now
> women tend to prefer telling jokes at their own expense and men tend to
> prefer telling jokes at other people's expense."
> Following this line of reasoning, it is logical to assume that MY is more
> likely than not a male. I would guesstimate that the odds on this
> speculation are 70/30 that MY is a man.
> Projecting further and consistent with the use of aggressive humor, MY’s
> objection with Rossi borders on the pathological and may be an attempt to
> assert dominance over Rossi as a perceived object of our adoration as well
> as the other members of this forum by cutting Rossi down to size as it
> were, discounting and belittling his accomplishments and oftentimes
> inferring and sometimes openly asserting he is no more than a common
> criminal;  i.e. a man of no consequence juxtaposed to MY himself.
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 1:18 PM, Mary Yugo <> wrote:
>> It was joke-- pls. lighten up!

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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