Peter Gluck <> wrote:

I think people coming from a country with a relatively normal history re
> not able to understand well the behaviour of people coming from a country
> that was once a dictature- as Greece (or Romania.)

I knew lots of people who lived through the militarist dictatorship in
Japan. They did not act as irrationally as Defkalion appears to be acting.

I say "appears to be" because there may be some hidden reason for them to
be saying these weird things.

I suppose it is possible that Stremmenos is right, Defkalion has no
technology, and they are running a gigantic swindle. If so, they are doing
a terrible job at it. They are amateur con-men, who inspire no confidence.
I can't imagine how they could attract investors with a member of their
Board going around saying stuff like this! An investor will do a Google
search and find out the company is mired in the worst controversy a
start-up company could be mired in.

Their response to me would not reassure an investor, or deflect doubt. The
response looks to me like confusion, rather than an attempt to evade the
issue. I get a sense they honestly do not understand what I am saying. Even
though I have said it as clearly as I can, and it is not complicated.

You don't know whether to laugh or cry. It is a shame that cold fusion
ventures so often end up tangled in confusion, anger, broken contracts, and
lurid accusations.

I hope this confusion -- or whatever it is -- is cleared up soon.

- Jed

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