On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 8:06 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

> It is certainly true that the peak occurs in a region that immediately
> follows the highest temperature obtained within the heat storage medium.
> The part that is anomalous is the fact that the bump I referred to at 16:00
> is of relatively short duration while the temperature fall off curve from
> the model storage medium is broad and slow in nature.  I would expect the
> overpressure additions to be broad to match this shape if due to the stored
> heat.  The LENR explanation would be short in duration as is seen in the
> data.  We should be happy that The LENR heating is demonstrated by this
> short duration bump as we have all been seeking.  Your source should make
> further attempts to duplicate this shape if we are to be convinced that
> heat storage can achieve the identical results as LENR heating.

The reply:

"*Dave compared **the curve T2(mis) with the curve T_S of the screen S.
That’s not correct. He should compare the T2(mis) with the efflux of
steam Q_Vvap
-- they show a quite similar bump.*
* *
The curve Q_Vvap depends on the trends T_A, T_B and  T_R, ie the temperature of
the 3 components that supply heat to the water and that in turn receive it from
the internal screen S.

The curve Q_Vvap has a peak of about 0.7 g / s of dry steam, which means a
volumetric flow rate well over 1L / s, whose passage through the valve V causes
an overpressure at the outlet, which must be overcome by increasing the
saturation pressure and hence the boiling temperature. This cause the bump
in the T2(mis) curve.

I think that Harry should make some further efforts to try to better
understand the thermodynamics of such a simple model, in order to better
figure out how the ecat really "works."* "


*Please note that this is the last relay I am going to do.  My informant
said he thinks that showing people what Rossi is most likely really doing
and doing that on Vortex, at least for some of the participants, is like
telling small children that Santa Claus doesn't exist.  LOL.

PS:  his words -- not mine.  But feel free to shoot the messenger if it
makes you feel any better.

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