The very first act I'd do is run my own home and office from the technology. In 
winter the windows would be wide open to enjoy the fresh air as we roasted in 
the balmy heat pouring from my heaters that were attached to nothing. That's 
just me. 

On Dec 24, 2011, at 12:57, Mary Yugo <> wrote:

> On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 9:35 AM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:
> I believe "moke up" is supposed to be mock-up. I just told Andrea that.
> Yes, as I noted, what "moke up" means is no mystery.  So what does the 
> remainder of the gobbledygook mean?  Is Rossi writing about what he expects 
> Defkalion to do?  What they did?  What?  
> Another hallmark of a scam is that the perpetrators act as if the discovery 
> was not as important as it really would be if it were real.  For example, 
> Steorn supposedly discovered a mysterious magnetic interaction that resulted 
> in motors that ran themselves, overcoming friction, and providing free energy 
> beyond that.   But how would a normal person or company act if in possession 
> of such a wonder?  Wouldn't they be extremely active in developing and 
> showing and proving the idea?  Would they not rapidly enlist patent lawyers 
> by the dozens?  Would they not have the concept proven and developed in the 
> largest, best and most effective places?   But none of that ever happened 
> with Steorn.   All they ever did was give demos that were underwhelming and 
> obscure enough so that enthusiasts could interpret them as success.  But they 
> never were.  And there was never any progress and still isn't.  And all their 
> customers, if there were any, were anonymous.  They gave away only one device 
> (I'm not even clear that they really ever did that-- it's sort of a vague 
> recollection at this point) and the recipient said he couldn't make it work. 
> Their most prominent point of contact was their forum and what did they do 
> there?  They responded tangentially, incompetently, and weirdly.  At the same 
> time, they attacked their most reasonable critics with sarcasm and threatened 
> to (or actually did) ban them.   They threatened and never brought law suits 
> for libel.   This is precisely Defkalion's behavior currently.  In the area 
> of demonstrations, lectures, and the like, everything with Steorn progressed 
> at a snail pace and none of the activity was appropriate to the uniqueness 
> and grandeur of the discovery, had it been real.  Proponents defended Steorn, 
> postulating that they were concerned about someone stealing the technology.  
> Sound familiar?
> This is exactly the pattern Rossi is following.  If Rossi really had a cold 
> fusion reactor on his table top and was using it to provide continuous 
> heating for even one room of his "factory", why would he not show it?  Why 
> instead would he have done four hour inadequate demos when he now has a 
> SECOND factory heater that runs CONTINUOUSLY!?   And if the excuse is that he 
> is keeping a low profile, why does he mention these things AT ALL?   
> None of this makes sense.  Not Rossi and not Defkalion.  And when things 
> don't add up, you'd better think maybe you're being flummoxed.

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