On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 12:56 AM, Aussie Guy E-Cat <aussieguy.e...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> I take you do not read what I have written on this subject?

I try but sometimes my email client hiccups.  Last I remember, you had
sealed a deal with Rossi and getting a whatever-watt plant was just around
the corner and an absolute certainty.  You were going to provide the
container and generators.  I forgot who was assembling it all but it
doesn't matter.  Now, you're apparently waiting for specifications of some
machine to be delivered in the indefinite future.  This is progress?

As for the PFE cells, if they make 5 watts from 1 watt or even 1 watt from
200 mW, then there has to be some way to make them self-running for as long
as the fuel lasts by recycling output power to the input.   And given it's
nuclear, the fuel should last a long time and yield a huge amount of energy.

Want respect, not mention tons of fame and fortune? Close the loop and make
them self running except for (rare) refueling.   You'd be the first.
That's for sure.

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