On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 11:53 AM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson <
orionwo...@charter.net> wrote:

> > Nobody ever closes the loop.****
> I think the majority of the Vort Collective understands the fact that Vorl
> and MY believe most CF/LENR claims are nothing more than horse manure.****
> I wonder why Vorl simply doesn't state for the record that the inability
> of high school student to "close the loop" apparently causes him to doubt
> CF claims. Maybe if he had done so... But alas, it does not appear to me
> that Vorl is actually interested in educating himself.****
> Instead, it would seem that Vorl would prefer to express his convictions
> in the form of an astonishing "revelation". It would seem that Vorl is
> hoping his astonishing "revelation" will cause gullible CF believers to
> ponder the folly of their inability to think rationally.****
> ** **
> For 2012 I think another one of my insignificant little resolutions will
> be to place Vorl in my kill file, along with the rest of the sarcastic
> posters, like MY, who really haven't had all that much to contribute in a
> long while.

And this sort of post contributes?

Using high school student is an old trick of scammers like Bedini and his
"school girl" magnetic motor made from a bicycle wheel, which of course
does not work, no matter who makes it.   That doesn't mean the research
from the high school students was not valid.  But it suggests that whatever
they did, someone could do vastly more.

Try responding to a real argument:  if the claim, as Aussie Guy made it, is
for a device with a COP of 5 over an input measured in watts, then why not
close the loop?  What COP would you need?  10?  100?  what?   Defkalion, by
the way, claims 35x.

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