Mary Yugo <> wrote:

I'd believe almost anything, including most particularly Defkalion and
> Rossi claims, if they were properly tested, the tests were independently
> and properly replicated and someone or some organization I trusted did them.

No you will not believe "almost anything." You believe nothing. These
experiments have been replicated at over 180 major labs, independently and
properly replicated. You don't believe a single one of them. You have not
even bothered to look at most, and the few that you claim you read you say
"make no sense" and are poorly written.

Stop pretending you "will believe." Stop pretending you will take the time
to read papers, or make the effort to understand them. You have had 22
years to learn about this field, but you have learned nothing. The
questions you are asking here are idiotic. Anyone who has bothered to read
a few papers can see that. You will never bother to learn anything.  Don't
pretend otherwise.

You are a hopelessly bigoted, ignorant naysayer. You never bother to do
your own homework. Your attitude was starkly revealed in your response to
my statement that doctors who do not wash their hands are infecting many
patients. This is common knowledge. It has been reported in the mainstream
press and in major medical journals. You can find papers on it U.S.,
European and Japanese national institutes of health. Yet when I mentioned
this, instead of taking a few minutes to learn about it, you lashed out
with snide, baseless allegations that this has only been discussed at "some
whacko website." When I and others showed you mainstream websites
discussing this, you contradicted what it says at these websites with the
first random unfounded nonsense that popped into your head:

"The problem is less with doctors and nurses than it is with aides of
various types, janitors, food workers, and all the other less educated
hospital staff."

- Jed

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