At 04:52 PM 12/26/2011, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Mary Yugo <<>> wrote:

I'd believe almost anything, including most particularly Defkalion and Rossi claims, if they were properly tested, the tests were independently and properly replicated and someone or some organization I trusted did them.

No you will not believe "almost anything." You believe nothing. These experiments have been replicated at over 180 major labs, independently and properly replicated. You don't believe a single one of them. You have not even bothered to look at most, and the few that you claim you read you say "make no sense" and are poorly written.

Jed, that's really unfair. You are mixing up two very different situations, the Rossi/Defkalion issue, and the full body of data in cold fusion, which is what you are referring to here.

Mary might indeed be confused about this. You should not be. Please don't mix the extensive, voluminous published research on cold fusion with the sketchy, questionable reports regarding Rossi's work. There is no comparison.

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