On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 3:03 PM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint <
zeropo...@charter.net> wrote:

> MaryYugo asks:****
> “Why is it that specific questions as to power output and duration are, to
> some cold fusion advocates,  like sunshine to vampires?”****
> ** **
> And Mary, the same could be said for your ANONYMOUS modeler.  When asked
> in a very polite, respectful manner some specific questions by Dave
> Roberson, YOUR ANONYMOUS ‘modeler’ responded with,****
> “Sorry but I think my acquaintance doesn't wish to play with this any
> more.”****
> ** **
> So it’s ok for your side to avoid answering when the questions get tough?
> ****
> Sorry, NO GO.  What’s good for the goose is good for the gander… ****
> ** **
> Please do the Collective a favor and take your anonymous, repetitious and
> hypocritical arrogance elsewhere; same goes for your chickensh*t
> ‘acquaintance’.

My acquaintance (who, in reality, I only know as an Internet identity)
replied to three or four of Dave's inquiries in meticulous detail.   After
that, he may have felt that Dave was not following his argument.  I don't
know for sure and I have no opinion on that -- I wish and would have
preferred it if he had made the assumptions underlying the model, the
identity of the software, and the parameters of the simulation more clear
but I'm not him.  I don't control him.

My opinion on the modeling is that it's probably good enough to cast a
doubt on the Rossi and Lewan data of October 6 -- a doubt which is so
easily resolved in the real world by a proper experimental design and a
second much longer experiment, that the model itself is not worth arguing
at length about.  BTW, that is also what NASA officially wrote about the
event specifically and about Rossi in general (as quoted by Krivit).

My informant's reluctance is no justification or excuse for Jed's failure
to supply proper citations for his, as usual, exorbitant and florid claims
about "life after death" cells that run but we seem never to know how long
or making how much power, how it was verified and independently
replicated.    It's also no excuse for Aussie Guy's claims which make it
seem as if everything with Rossi and him is a done deal and all of it is
happening soon --  until he reveals there is no contract, no delivery date,
and no deal at all.   Maybe Aussie should become an anonymous client to get
a better delivery position?   Rossi seems to prefer that type of customer.

As for the rest of your remarks, I am very tempted to reply as rudely as
you but out of respect for the others, I will resist the impulse, with some

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