At 05:31 PM 12/26/2011, Mary Yugo wrote:

On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 2:16 PM, Jed Rothwell <<>> wrote:
Arata ran a small motor with one heated by a self-sustaining gas-loaded cell.

Cool! Did anyone verify this or replicate it? And how long did it run and at what output level?

Mary! You can find this stuff yourself. Arata cells generate a low level of heat, without any input, and the experimental runs I've seen end at 3000 minutes, still cranking out the heat. Unfortunately we don't have a lot of data on how much heat is really involved, quantitatively. Arata's been replicated, that has been published as well.

(This is all fairly recent. To be sure, investors are not falling over themselves to put money into a device that, with 7 grams of nanoparticle palladium and some deuterium gas, runs 4 degrees C hotter than the environment for 50 hours. In theory this could be scaled up, but at that level, I figured that with a mere $100,000 worth of palladium, I might be able to build a home hot water heater that would run for a while. However, there is a little problem: apparently the reaction ultimately poisons or uses up the reaction sites. If Rossi has found a way around that, it would indeed be remarkable. )

Why is it that specific questions as to power output and duration are, to some cold fusion advocates, like sunshine to vampires?

We have that data for lots of experiments. Rossi is by no means typical of work in the field, beyond a certain class of workers in the field who aren't really scientists -- he isn't. Neither is "Aussie Guy."

It's sort of reminiscent of Rossi typically rushing to shut down his demonstrations for dinner or whatever after only a few hours of operation ... and of Aussie Guy bowing out of providing data on his B level cells after saying qualitatively how fantasmagoric they were. It's so discouraging and prevalent a phenomenon that I am thinking of naming it. Maybe "Cold Fusion Evasion".

It's been called "fusion confusion." Look, Aussie Guy is anonymous, what he writes is next to meaningless. Don't mix this up with the huge corpus of work from hundreds of scientists around the world.

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