At 01:03 AM 12/27/2011, Rich Murray wrote:
Hi Abd Lomax,

I'm glad to see you posting a lot now, and expressing strong doubts about Rossi.

Are you continuing to develop your low cost tiny CF kits for
electrolytic codeposition of Pd in deuterium heavy water electrolyte,
using plastic to record the impacts of any generated neutrons,
according to the SPAWAR paradigm?

Well, since you ask. I have preliminary results from one cell run. Unfortunately, this cell was run in a basement, and it's looking like radon levels may have been high, or else problems in developing the SSNTDs caused massive damage. I've only glanced at some detector images so far.

However, the electrolysis went well, the palladium deposition looked good, about what I'd expect.

The biggest problem with this class of experiment is that only one product is directly sought. The expected levels of heat would be, I think, too low to see a reliable heat signal, so neutron evidence would be all there is.

I need to fabricate more cells and run them myself.... and I think my partner will want to do it again.

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