On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 11:58 PM, Horace Heffner <hheff...@mtaonline.net>wrote:

> The deflated state electron, pre-fusion, is not below ground state energy.
>   It is a degenerate form of the ground state, or whatever state the
> hydrogen nucleus and associated electron occupy in the lattice.

How can the ground state be degenerate?  Do you have any arguments using
bra-ket notation?

> Preferable to what for describing what?

Isn't the Takahashi approach preferable to the deflation fusion approach
because it maintains the standard model? The only reference to deflated
hydrogen comes from vortex.

> Huge numbers of atoms are involved in heavy element transmutation.  Can
> you imagine Bockris' surprise when he found them? there was no prior
> indication that such energetic events were taking place.

I see.  There really are several phenomena all confusingly anomalous!

> I would guess people want more math. It's hard to convey over email, but I
> have a solution for that I'll write up this weekend.
> I do not think the problem is a lack of math. The problem is that I have
> not explained the processes with enough simplicity that a child can follow
> them.  I sincerely doubt that anyone on this list, at any rate, wants or
> needs more math for convincing.  Math only obscures the underlying
> concepts.

I've never heard a scientist express this sentiment before.  For me, I find
rather the opposite.  My eyes glaze over when confronted by paragraph after
paragraph of prose, without equations to really explain what's going on. I
don't think children should understand this material!

Never did I see a second sun
Never did my skin touch a land of glass
Never did my rifle point but true
But in a land empty of enemies
Waiting for the tick-tick-tick of the want
A uranium angel
Crying “behold,”
This land that knew fire is yours
Taken from Corruption
To begin anew

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