She's an insignificant troll. nothing more.



From: Jed Rothwell [] 
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2012 7:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Simple, even simple-minded tests can be a great help in
understanding these things


Mary Yugo <> wrote:


Hold on a moment.  Rossi is SELLING THESE AS HEATERS (if he ever sells
them).   And also, he claimed to have one HEATING HIS FACTORY when he wrote
his patent and he again claimed to have one HEATING A ROOM currently as per
his blog.


Yes. I have a photo of the factory heater. Several people observed it.



  So I guess it is a reasonable question why he and Focardi are bundled up
against cold in a room with a E-cat in it which, according to Rossi, could
easily be used to HEAT THE ROOM.


Yes, but they are using it to heat the water, to do calorimetry. This is a
test of the machine, not a commercial or practical use of it. You cannot do
calorimetry when you heat a room.



  See my problem with all this?


No, I do not see your point. Your comment seems idiotic. Why are you
quibbling about this? You can see this is a test. You keep demanding tests.
When he does one, you demand it should not be a test but a practical
application instead.


I think you are arguing for no reason, raising trivial, meaningless
objections, and I think you are being silly.


- Jed


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