Snubbed by mainstream, scrappy scientist sues
The Palm Harbor man wants the courts to force his detractors to take
his ideas seriously.
Published May 9, 2007

TAMPA - Ruggero Santilli is frustrated.

After a long career as an academic, the Palm Harbor physicist says he
isn't getting the respect he deserves...


On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 8:24 AM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
<> wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> Sorry to dig up old, unpleasant memories, however, *IF* he has a better
> model for hadrons, should he not get credit?
> His side of the issue with scientific journals is explained here:
> particularly with World Scientific, this page:
> -Mark
> From: Peter Gluck []
> Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 4:59 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Santilli and Horace?
> I commented in other thread- he has sued me and many others:
> "See "Lawsuits" here:
> A very ugly story- I remember that being a member of the advisory board I
> have had to pay 12,000 USD fine. The lawsuit did not started but Gene was
> very upset and stressed by this affair.
> An even uglier story- Richardson's  AQUAFUEL, Leon Toups, magnecules. (1998
> - )
> However Ruggero is a great mathematician, beyond any doubt."
> Peter
> On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 1:59 PM, Daniel Rocha <> wrote:
> I just noticed this:
> " Santilli, distinguished from better-known species by containing a novel
> type of bond called a "magnecular bond", which he claims consists of atoms
> held together by magnetic fields which arise from toroidal polarization of
> their electron orbitals.[14][15] "
> "Santilli has filed a number of lawsuits related to his scientific
> ideas[23]. These include suing several journals, including Infinite Energy,
> to force them to cite his work, "
> Did he sue Horace?
> --
> Daniel Rocha - RJ
> --
> Dr. Peter Gluck
> Cluj, Romania

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