-----Original Message-----
From: Aussie Guy E-Cat

> Why you put a negative spin on this is beyond me? It is the best news you
could have reported. IT WORKS!!!!!

Works, yes ... for a short time. But is it cost effective? - not on this
planet. Will it make a dent in fossil fuel use? - not on this planet, at
least not as it stands now.

Let's be clear, I want to see this technology, Ni-H, succeed more than
anyone and by anyone, but I am not a shill for AR, and I hope you are not.
He may have succeeded in raising the level of consciousness that Ni-H works,
but the invention goes back to Thermacore, and whether Rossi can take that
through to fulfillment is in doubt.

What is the real value of a $2 million device, or a $2000 device, that works
for 24 hours, produces about $1000 worth of heat and then goes quiescent?

Answer - negative economic value, since you have to ship it back.

That is where we are on January 14, 2012 - like it or not: negative economic

That is the reason for what you call a negative spin. Otherwise it is known
as "reality". E-Cat should never have been announced prematurely. This
October surprise was a gigantic boondoggle that OPEC or the other enemies of
LENR could not have orchestrated better.

Yes, the good news is that there is short term energy anomaly. Can it be
perfected to have positive economic value? 

Who knows, but it is not likely that it can be advanced by AR. He has made
more enemies in the mainstream than has Santilli, so he is not likely to get
much help without paying out the nose, which he will not do. DGT - in
contrast - is in a good position.

If you really want to use the technology in Oz, my advice is to jump ship,
ditch AR and get onboard the Maru DGT, or any other Ni-H vehicle, before it
leaves port.


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