
Spin it anyway you try, you were wrong. Rossi does have a customer, he did ship the plant, it does work and produce excess heat, there are control issues, so what, you expect there would not be control issues. They will be fixed.

Main point is Mary your original analysis and statement about the 1 MW plant were 100% incorrect. Care to do better now?


On 1/15/2012 12:05 PM, Mary Yugo wrote:

On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 5:26 PM, Jones Beene < <>> wrote:

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Aussie Guy E-Cat

    > Why you put a negative spin on this is beyond me? It is the best
    news you
    could have reported. IT WORKS!!!!!

    Works, yes ... for a short time. But is it cost effective? - not
    on this
    planet. Will it make a dent in fossil fuel use? - not on this
    planet, at
    least not as it stands now.

    Let's be clear, I want to see this technology, Ni-H, succeed more than
    anyone and by anyone, but I am not a shill for AR, and I hope you
    are not.
    He may have succeeded in raising the level of consciousness that
    Ni-H works,
    but the invention goes back to Thermacore, and whether Rossi can
    take that
    through to fulfillment is in doubt.

    What is the real value of a $2 million device, or a $2000 device,
    that works
    for 24 hours, produces about $1000 worth of heat and then goes

Rossi's (and Defkalion's) claims were always that their devices run unattended for a minimum of six months without refueling or other attention. In fact Rossi repeatedly said they run much longer but that he would prefer the six month interval for safety reasons until he got to know how they age in the field.

If that was a lie, what else do you think Rossi lied about? If he lied about that, why believe anything he said?

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