
As for what I believe, well I have done my homework. I'm ready to buy a 1 MW high temp plant that we can link to a 350 kW steam turbine with all the tricky bits to make it as efficient as we can. Rossi knows it and he knows how I will test it. He requested me to wait until he had finished the high temp version. So I'm waiting.

While our first plant may not be cost effective, we know the future price will generate Ac MWhs at less than any other energy source can achieve. I may tear my hair out and get very frustrated, playing with the initial control systems but that is part of the cost of dealing with and being involved with leading edge technology.

You seem to be not willing to accept this is real until it works as well as say an iPad does. If you wait until then, the market is owned by those that went before and did not need to be 100.0000000000000000% certain it was real.

It's real. It has control issues. Those control issues are what engineers, engineering hours and money fix.


On 1/15/2012 1:05 PM, Mary Yugo wrote:

On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 5:54 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat < <>> wrote:

    Mary spin it anyway you try, you were wrong. Rossi does have a
    customer, he did ship the plant, it does work and produce excess
    heat, there are control issues, so what, you expect there would
    not be control issues. They will be fixed.

    Main point is Mary your original analysis and statement about the
    1 MW plant were 100% incorrect. Care to do better now?

I'd be happy but what evidence other than what Rossi says would I base "doing better" on? How in the world can you know whether or not he's telling the truth?

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