Gee, my serendipitous 'webbing' this eve has been quite interesting and
fruitful. here's one more. 

I promise I'll go to bed after this one!


Seeing the "Quantum" in Quantum Zero-Point Fluctuations


PDF for actual article being described:


This statement made me think about the problem of how the 'missing' gammas
are absorbed into the lattice as phonons:


"This approach yields relatively high-frequency mechanical resonances (with
gigahertz-scale frequencies), which makes cooling easier and yields
well-separated sidebands. The tight localization of modes also yields *very
strong optomechanical couplings*. 


And especially this..

"In addition, this setup allows a single mechanical resonance to be coupled
to many distinct optical resonances."


Would a gamma be considered 'optical'?????


I do not know whether the conditions which were present in the experiment
above are present in LENR. so it may not be relevant.





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