I think we should be considering the possibility that there are no gammas in the first place. After the LENR event the nucleus will be in a highly excited and state and will need to release its energy. The conventional route is via gamma (and/or an energetic particle) with the options determined by energy and momentum balance.

One possibility that keeps being suggested in this forum is that there is some kind of resonant optical vibrational mode within small domains within the lattice. The more quanta of energy there is associated with the mode, the higher the probability that energy from some coupled excited state will be coupled into the state (because quanta of vibartional energy obey Bose statistics). This will then pump the mode to a more energetic state, much in the manner of a laser. This may be the route that the energy from the excited Nickel/Copper nucleus is able to be coupled to thermal lattice energy, via the intermediate resonant mode.

The principles of such systems were looked at by Herbert Frohlich in the 1960's


If this was the case, then what we ought to be doing is seeing if we can extract the energy from the mode before it is thermalised, which would dramatically increase the efficiency of the system if we want it to do work, such as generate electricity.


On 18/01/2012 14:51, Jones Beene wrote:

Hi Mark

Good finds -- burning the midnight oil it seems - but for the record, the massive preponderance of evidence is that gammas are not absorbed into phonons. In fact there is not a single shred of evidence that this can happen.


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