Speaking of Regularly Scheduled Programming, here's one from Ski-Fi channel!


To my surprise, the troll, Eff Wivakeef, before he was banned, posted
something that I personally found fascinating and transformational. Well.
let me try to explain what I mean by "transformational".


<* * * Warning! * * *>


This has to do with another one of those strange synchronistic woo-woo
events that occasionally pass through my life. If you don't believe in
synchronicity or the existence of strange Unidentified Flying Woo-Woos
(UFW2s) you might as well skip the rest of this post. ;-)


</* * * Warning! * * *>


I'm referring to the Troll's attempt to both taunt and ridicule the Vort
Collective by posting a You-Tube link to a bogus free energy device
allegedly based on the manipulation of gravity, gradient water pressure, and





We see an individual, James Kwok, owner of a company called Hidro,
explaining how his technology works with the aid of a fish tank filled with
water and a flexible tube attached at both ends with inflatable bags. One
bag has a weight attached to it. Kwok proceeds to give a warm & fuzzy spiel
with birds chirping away in the background on how gravity affects water
pressure, and how this pressure buildup in-turn affects the buoyancy of the
two inflatable bags depending on how deep these bags are positioned within a
reservoir of water.


Ok, so far, so good. I have a pretty decent understanding of the underlying
physics involved pertaining to water pressure and the effects buoyancy. Kwok
then proceeds to show how he found a way, through some clever engineering
tricks, of manipulating the effects of buoyancy by filling ballast tanks
with gas. This causes the ballast tanks to become lighter than the
surrounding water where they will subsequently rise to the surface.
Meanwhile other ballast tanks currently on the surface of the water will
fill with water causing them to become heavier than the surrounding water
and sink. The end-game to Kwok's fascinating demo is revealed in a simple
animated computer graphic where he claims an endless free energy cycle can
be harnessed by connecting these ballast tanks with the aid of what looks
like a very long bicycle chain. The rotating chain, in turn powers an
electric generator. Wallah! Free energy! Brought to you by gravity, water
pressure, ballast tanks, and a bicycle chain! What could go wrong!


What astonished me was not whether Kwok's contraption would work. (Not very
likely!) The mystery I was confronting was what kind of mechanisms might
have been involved in bringing Kwok's wacky concept to my attention in the
first place. How did this Troll's random post, a troll who didn't know me, a
troll who was attempting to taunt members of the list group I participate
in, end up posting something that intimately synchronized with something I
had been privately mulling about in my head for the past week. During
occasional idle moments, I had found myself trying to visualize how one
might be able to set up some kind of a "free energy" cycle that could take
advantage of gravity/pressure/buoyancy effects. Hey! I know it's a crazy
idea! I can't help myself! Long ago I came out of the closet (at least to
myself) and accepted the fact that I enjoy playing around with these wacky
mental exercises. So far, I haven't gone blind from excessive Imagerybation.
My Fool's Imagination seems harmless.


What this visual exercise brought home to me was a realization that what I
thought I had I created out of my own mind probably didn't originate from me
after all. It certainly wasn't a personal creation that had originated from
the troll's mind as he went about attempting to torment us. Nor was it any
more a form of inspiration created from the mind of James Kwok when years
ago he stumbled across the same imaginary "figment" and subsequently started
diddling with it using his own engineering predilections. 


Before someone tactfully asks me whether I might have left my tinfoil hat at
home I must state for the record that long ago I came around to a suspicion
(a belief) that most of us are constantly being barraged by these kinds of
external imaginative energy patterns. It's happening to us regardless of
whether we are aware of how such influences might affect our thinking
predilections. It is as if these energy patterns are the equivalent of
psychic viruses that are constantly flowing through the either of what Carl
Jung called the Collective Unconscious. Under the circumstances, I don't
think tinfoil would have helped. ;-)


But take heart. Long ago I suspect our species found practical ways in which
to protect ourselves from an incessant onslaught of psychic viral attacks,
"viruses" that might actually be a form of "Instinct" as exhibited by
animals. Most of us automatically dismiss most of these "viruses" as nothing
more than a random thought. This is probably a good thing because I would
imagine that our wetware would get pretty cluttered if we didn't have some
kind of an automated filtering system set in place. We have constructed our
very own firewall. How we have configured our personal filters determines
what our wetware will allow through into conscious awareness. A few, like
Kwok get hooked on the "viral" imagery because of the way he had configured
his personal firewall, but also because he was attracted to similar concepts
in the first place! Guess I could say something similar must have happened
to me as well... and apparently to the Troll too, in his own mean spirited


Once we "capture" one of these viruses, once we become consciously aware,
and then intrigued by the imagery associated with them, we begin adding our
own unique energy signature to the overall patterns. Eventually, however, we
begin tire of the imaginary. We let go of it, and when we do we cease
feeding our own unique signature of energy into that portion of the
Collective Unconscious. We give it back to the Great Gestalt. Eventually,
others will stumble across the same gestalt. They too, will end up adding
their own unique signature to the Great Collective. I suspect these energy
gestalts residing in Collective Unconscious are like constantly evolving


I believe science has recently hypothesized the possibility that certain
viruses (of the biological kind) might not necessarily be detrimental. Some
may actually turn out to be beneficial. There certainly has been talk about
engineering artificial viruses that would perform specific biological tasks
such as an aid to seeking out and destroying cancer. "Viruses" from the
Collective Unconscious strike me as behaving in a similar manner. They are
nothing more than psychic tools. Some tools are bound to be better
configured than others.


Some may be intrigued by the idea of a Collective Unconscious behaving like
a vast repository where inspiration occasionally springs into our conscious
awareness. I'm obviously not the first person to have speculated on such
ideas. No doubt, there are many who have chosen to run about as naked as
they can get... without any protective tinfoil shielding the private parts
of their wetware.


Others, on the other hand, may find the idea of a Collective Unconscious,
meddling about with their personal imagination, disquieting. It messes
around too much with a sacred sense of our identity - our soul, if you will.


In the end, it doesn't really matter whether one believes in all this
psychic woo-woo stuff, or not. What matters is whether we are willing to
allow ourselves to occasionally become passive, to float along the gentle
currents of the present moment for just a tiny spell. Give ourselves an
opportunity to RECEIVE ideas in whatever form or shape they decide to reveal
themselves to us as. Of course, what we end up DOING with what pops into our
head remains a personal predilection of our own doing.


Happy garbage collection!


.and now, back to regularly scheduled programming! ;-)


Steven Vincent Johnson



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