Hi Giovanni Santostasi,

buoyant perpetual motion --

the ever effervescing fluctuations of the quantum space-time foam --

our universe bubble as an expanding geometic instability from a minute
quantum fluctuation --

floating?  in something?

so the biggest thing we see is the smallest thing we see --

the only thing we see --

while somehow we are aspects of it, subtly interacting with itself --

if it can produce a huge excess of matter over antimatter, then may be
it can produce a surplus of available free usable energy, somehow
accessible --

already imagined by Prof. Robert Foot is mirror matter, which is as
cold as the dark side of the Moon, radiating freely to the Galaxy,
interacting only with our matter via a 10E-6 electromagnetic effect,
so a lump of it could sit on the surface of Earth, forever as cold as
interplanetary dust, a few tens of degrees Kelvin, thus available as a
heat sink for a power generating perpetual Carnot cycle, running off
the 300 degree Kelvin surface temperature of Earth -- serious,
detailed theoretical explorations, with plenty of ways to confirm and
disconfirm -- so far, inconclusive -- but if that one can be imagined,
well, we all know in physics there's always more than one way to skin
a cat -- and there are ice caves, mysteriously cold for thousands of
years, even in hot deserts... University of  Melbourne staff, nice web
site, a few co-workers worldwide, worth a Google...

On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 9:18 PM, Giovanni Santostasi
<gsantost...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Orion,
> Hopefully my comment is not understood as trolling....
> but as polite criticism.
> It is nice to have imagination and to think about things that are considered
> by main stream science as impossible. I wish more professional scientists
> could do that (some do and they wait until they come close to retirement or
> at least get tenure).

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