Analysis of the design using established physics predicts that it will
not exhibit pertual motion when it is built. It also goes without
saying that you can't expect to design a perpertuum mobile using
established physics. If the built device did exhibit perpertual
motion, then it would be by luck rather than by design. In order to
build a perpetuum mobile by design new principles of physics are


On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 12:45 AM, Giovanni Santostasi
<> wrote:
> The Hydro machine has masses moving in a closed path in a gravitational
> field so the total energy balance is zero.
> When you consider the motion of the gas in and out of the chambers, that
> unavoidably will have some friction and losses, then the system is going to
> have a negative energy balance.
> This is similar to the last type of "perpetual motion" machines discussed in
> the link in my previous post, but unfortunately they don't work. Interesting
> to think about them though, one can learn nice physics in doing that.
> Giovanni
> On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 11:36 PM, Peter Gluck <> wrote:
>> Steven,
>> what's the difference between those 'viruses' and the MEMES postulated by
>> Richard Dawkins- see "Memetics>"?
>> Peter
>> On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 7:18 AM, Giovanni Santostasi
>> <> wrote:
>>> Orion,
>>> Hopefully my comment is not understood as trolling....
>>> but as polite criticism.
>>> It is nice to have imagination and to think about things that are
>>> considered by main stream science as impossible. I wish more professional
>>> scientists could do that (some do and they wait until they come close to
>>> retirement or at least get tenure).
>>> What is also nice, though, is to try to see what could go wrong in a
>>> particular imagined idea or scheme as a way of understanding better and
>>> making more concrete what one imagines.
>>> It happened many times to me to think about ideas that I believed were
>>> great to find out almost always that two things were true:
>>> 1) the idea had some fundamental problem with it and I could not see it
>>> (at least at first)
>>> 2) the idea was actually good but somebody already thought about it
>>> It is simply difficult to come up with something completely amazing,
>>> right and original at the same time.
>>> But one can learn a lot from this thinking and it is a good way to learn
>>> and think about science and nature that are amazing anyway.
>>> Well, about the buoyancy perpetual motion we have the case that it is
>>> something unfortunately neither original (in the sense that somebody already
>>> thought about it) or really working (even if due to relatively subtle
>>> reasons).
>>> Somewhere non conservative forces are going to make your device stop.
>>> This why there is not a working model of such devices but often simulations
>>> can be found on the net.
>>> Here one example of a pretty complete discussion about different kinds of
>>> buoyancy perpetual machines and why they don't work:
>>> Giovanni
>>> On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 9:01 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Speaking of Regularly Scheduled Programming, here's one from Ski-Fi
>>>> channel!
>>>> To my surprise, the troll, Eff Wivakeef, before he was banned, posted
>>>> something that I personally found fascinating and transformational. Well…
>>>> let me try to explain what I mean by "transformational".
>>>> <* * * Warning! * * *>
>>>> This has to do with another one of those strange synchronistic woo-woo
>>>> events that occasionally pass through my life. If you don't believe in
>>>> synchronicity or the existence of strange Unidentified Flying Woo-Woos
>>>> (UFW2s) you might as well skip the rest of this post. ;-)
>>>> </* * * Warning! * * *>
>>>> I'm referring to the Troll's attempt to both taunt and ridicule the Vort
>>>> Collective by posting a You-Tube link to a bogus free energy device
>>>> allegedly based on the manipulation of gravity, gradient water pressure, 
>>>> and
>>>> buoyancy.
>>>> See:
>>>> We see an individual, James Kwok, owner of a company called Hidro,
>>>> explaining how his technology works with the aid of a fish tank filled with
>>>> water and a flexible tube attached at both ends with inflatable bags. One
>>>> bag has a weight attached to it. Kwok proceeds to give a warm & fuzzy spiel
>>>> with birds chirping away in the background on how gravity affects water
>>>> pressure, and how this pressure buildup in-turn affects the buoyancy of the
>>>> two inflatable bags depending on how deep these bags are positioned within 
>>>> a
>>>> reservoir of water.
>>>> Ok, so far, so good. I have a pretty decent understanding of the
>>>> underlying physics involved pertaining to water pressure and the effects
>>>> buoyancy. Kwok then proceeds to show how he found a way, through some 
>>>> clever
>>>> engineering tricks, of manipulating the effects of buoyancy by filling
>>>> ballast tanks with gas. This causes the ballast tanks to become lighter 
>>>> than
>>>> the surrounding water where they will subsequently rise to the surface.
>>>> Meanwhile other ballast tanks currently on the surface of the water will
>>>> fill with water causing them to become heavier than the surrounding water
>>>> and sink. The end-game to Kwok's fascinating demo is revealed in a simple
>>>> animated computer graphic where he claims an endless free energy cycle can
>>>> be harnessed by connecting these ballast tanks with the aid of what looks
>>>> like a very long bicycle chain. The rotating chain, in turn powers an
>>>> electric generator. Wallah! Free energy! Brought to you by gravity, water
>>>> pressure, ballast tanks, and a bicycle chain! What could go wrong!
>>>> What astonished me was not whether Kwok's contraption would work. (Not
>>>> very likely!) The mystery I was confronting was what kind of mechanisms
>>>> might have been involved in bringing Kwok's wacky concept to my attention 
>>>> in
>>>> the first place. How did this Troll's random post, a troll who didn't know
>>>> me, a troll who was attempting to taunt members of the list group I
>>>> participate in, end up posting something that intimately synchronized with
>>>> something I had been privately mulling about in my head for the past week.
>>>> During occasional idle moments, I had found myself trying to visualize how
>>>> one might be able to set up some kind of a "free energy" cycle that could
>>>> take advantage of gravity/pressure/buoyancy effects. Hey! I know it's a
>>>> crazy idea! I can't help myself! Long ago I came out of the closet (at 
>>>> least
>>>> to myself) and accepted the fact that I enjoy playing around with these
>>>> wacky mental exercises. So far, I haven't gone blind from excessive
>>>> Imagerybation. My Fool's Imagination seems harmless.
>>>> What this visual exercise brought home to me was a realization that what
>>>> I thought I had I created out of my own mind probably didn't originate from
>>>> me after all. It certainly wasn't a personal creation that had originated
>>>> from the troll's mind as he went about attempting to torment us. Nor was it
>>>> any more a form of inspiration created from the mind of James Kwok when
>>>> years ago he stumbled across the same imaginary "figment" and subsequently
>>>> started diddling with it using his own engineering predilections.
>>>> Before someone tactfully asks me whether I might have left my tinfoil
>>>> hat at home I must state for the record that long ago I came around to a
>>>> suspicion (a belief) that most of us are constantly being barraged by these
>>>> kinds of external imaginative energy patterns. It's happening to us
>>>> regardless of whether we are aware of how such influences might affect our
>>>> thinking predilections. It is as if these energy patterns are the 
>>>> equivalent
>>>> of psychic viruses that are constantly flowing through the either of what
>>>> Carl Jung called the Collective Unconscious. Under the circumstances, I
>>>> don't think tinfoil would have helped. ;-)
>>>> But take heart. Long ago I suspect our species found practical ways in
>>>> which to protect ourselves from an incessant onslaught of psychic viral
>>>> attacks, "viruses" that might actually be a form of "Instinct" as exhibited
>>>> by animals. Most of us automatically dismiss most of these "viruses" as
>>>> nothing more than a random thought. This is probably a good thing because I
>>>> would imagine that our wetware would get pretty cluttered if we didn't have
>>>> some kind of an automated filtering system set in place. We have 
>>>> constructed
>>>> our very own firewall. How we have configured our personal filters
>>>> determines what our wetware will allow through into conscious awareness. A
>>>> few, like Kwok get hooked on the "viral" imagery because of the way he had
>>>> configured his personal firewall, but also because he was attracted to
>>>> similar concepts in the first place! Guess I could say something similar
>>>> must have happened to me as well... and apparently to the Troll too, in his
>>>> own mean spirited way.
>>>> Once we "capture" one of these viruses, once we become consciously
>>>> aware, and then intrigued by the imagery associated with them, we begin
>>>> adding our own unique energy signature to the overall patterns. Eventually,
>>>> however, we begin tire of the imaginary. We let go of it, and when we do we
>>>> cease feeding our own unique signature of energy into that portion of the
>>>> Collective Unconscious. We give it back to the Great Gestalt. Eventually,
>>>> others will stumble across the same gestalt. They too, will end up adding
>>>> their own unique signature to the Great Collective. I suspect these energy
>>>> gestalts residing in Collective Unconscious are like constantly evolving
>>>> creatures.
>>>> I believe science has recently hypothesized the possibility that certain
>>>> viruses (of the biological kind) might not necessarily be detrimental. Some
>>>> may actually turn out to be beneficial. There certainly has been talk about
>>>> engineering artificial viruses that would perform specific biological tasks
>>>> such as an aid to seeking out and destroying cancer. "Viruses" from the
>>>> Collective Unconscious strike me as behaving in a similar manner. They are
>>>> nothing more than psychic tools. Some tools are bound to be better
>>>> configured than others.
>>>> Some may be intrigued by the idea of a Collective Unconscious behaving
>>>> like a vast repository where inspiration occasionally springs into our
>>>> conscious awareness. I'm obviously not the first person to have speculated
>>>> on such ideas. No doubt, there are many who have chosen to run about as
>>>> naked as they can get... without any protective tinfoil shielding the
>>>> private parts of their wetware.
>>>> Others, on the other hand, may find the idea of a Collective
>>>> Unconscious, meddling about with their personal imagination, disquieting. 
>>>> It
>>>> messes around too much with a sacred sense of our identity - our soul, if
>>>> you will.
>>>> In the end, it doesn't really matter whether one believes in all this
>>>> psychic woo-woo stuff, or not. What matters is whether we are willing to
>>>> allow ourselves to occasionally become passive, to float along the gentle
>>>> currents of the present moment for just a tiny spell. Give ourselves an
>>>> opportunity to RECEIVE ideas in whatever form or shape they decide to 
>>>> reveal
>>>> themselves to us as. Of course, what we end up DOING with what pops into 
>>>> our
>>>> head remains a personal predilection of our own doing.
>>>> Happy garbage collection!
>>>> …and now, back to regularly scheduled programming! ;-)
>>>> Steven Vincent Johnson
>> --
>> Dr. Peter Gluck
>> Cluj, Romania

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