I'm not so surprised.
LENR is not rocket science once you read the serious but rejected papers on
the subject...
Maybe more simple than usual metallurgy.
LENR should be called solid state fusion, like transistors were name at the

then you have engineering. their job take some time, but normal time.
about stability there is known methods, classic engineering, some known
usual tricks, or at lease tracks to follow.

they are good yes, but just good innovative engineer.
Good professionals, and in my mouth it is a great compliment.
(like hero who says : no matter, it's my job)

their "no comment, wait for press release" is simply basic business way to
no comment on R&D, new products, 2nd generation, before finalized. (except
if you want to make people wait for vaporware, like in IT).
short press release without much details, asking for (serious) third party
to get tech data by mail/meeting, is normal business.

The most funny comment was something nor far from
"yes they are building their factory, but they just don't realize it is not
yet another shoe factory"

I just notices a probable innovation :
-> it seems their bare reactor does not runaway quickly, otherwise their
test without coolant would lead to melting.

I guess that their reactor is nearly intrinsically stable at high
temperature... how ?
Maybe their catalyst stop working at High temp?
Maybe they have a thermo-mechanical feedback on H pressure,
Maybe feedback through hydride phase change.
or just their control electronic is fast enough to stop heating before the
melt down, and the reactor is more stable than I imagine from rossi's

I just hope it is not a scam, otherwise I will stop believing in round
earth, and will become like MY.

I talk about DGT engineering team. beside, about the boss/investor maybe he
is simply more tricky.
seeing that it works but seeing also Rossi's problems, bad method, weak
team, maybe they decide to break the contract
according to the conditions, then start a race with a gang of professionals
knowing that their team will go much faster and further than Rossi alone,
winning the race.

2012/1/24 Energy Liberator <energylibera...@gmail.com>

> What is surprising, assuming DGT have what they say they have, is how
> quick DGT managed to come up with their own reactor technology. If no
> information transfer occurred between Rossi and DGT as Rossi states (which
> I don't believe) then DGT really pulled one out of the hat. I'm surprised
> no one else has managed to replicate yet if DGT managed it without any IP
> transfer from Rossi. In a way I feel sorry for Rossi as he has possibly
> found the answer to clean cheap energy but his personality may prevent him
> from actually being the first to market it commercially. Rossi is his own
> worse enemy. It may be as Jed said that he could be doing this
> deliberately to keep people off his back and to keep competitors from
> homing in.

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