

This comes under the category of 'puffery' and it probably relates to net
gain, if there is any truth to it. 


Obviously if one can achieve lots of heat without input - COP is infinite.
However, when you factor in the quiescent period and the startup delay then
the average over an extended period could be COP-6. 


In the case of DGT, they could be saying that COP=20 is the best gain ever
seen, and they may want to downplay the fact that the average over time, is
far less. 


We await real data, in either case.






From: Wolf Fischer 



I also agree. However one question: Why does DGTs reactor provide an
inferior ratio? As far as I remember, DGT claims a COP larger than 20 for a
single reactor, whereas Rossi speaks of 6. 


Thank you, Robert. This is essentially what I have been saying for many
weeks: Rossi has the ability to achieve a short run of nearly infinite COP-
6-8 hours, after which there is inevitable quiescence. That is both his
problem and his ace-in-the-hole. He has not shown an ability to move beyond
that stalemate.


Problem is - thousands of man-hours of high quality engineering are now
needed, and he cannot come close to doing it alone, BUT the biggest monetary
value for him would only be possible if he could do it alone. 


However, if he could have done it months ago, then DGT would never have
split, and Rossi would have adequate capital, even if not the entire 100
million. Now he is essentially penniless and cannot even give the University
a pittance for desperately needed help.


His time for monetizing even this slight "developmental advantage" is
running out. Once DGT puts on a convincing show-and-tell, Rossi is nearly
toast. That could happen this week. They may succeed with what is an
inferior ratio of gain. Since they have never claimed self-running - this is
indicative of having success through another route that does not involve a
few of Rossi's secrets.


Rossi's wife is smart enough to see this. Rossi's ego is too big. However,
his wife will win this argument and Rossi will act like it was his idea. It
is said this particular family dynamic is common in Italy.


Look for a Rossi independent demo before the end of February, where - among
other things - he just admits the E-Cat will go quiescent at some time, but
in this demo he does show the significantly long unpowered mode (except for
the RF) which removes the possibility of a chemical reaction.





From: Robert Lynn 


*  It wouldn't even matter if it only ran for 6 hours before falling into
quiescence, clear incontrovertible independent validation of powerful LENR
would still have the world beating a path to his door to give him millions. 


*  Realistically Rossi is in the game of selling a developmental advantage
for a massive new field that will advance far ahead of his understanding
within months or years.  It is naive for him to try to sell a commercial
product - he doesn't have the skills or resources to match what bigger
players will do in a year or two (see how far ahead Defkalion appear to be
now if their latest claims are true).  If he doesn't realize that soon then
he will ultimately be left poorer and probably embittered by his bad





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