

The first question that must be answered is: it the Ni-H phenomena Quantum
Mechanical in nature, or is it Thermonuclear, on a reduced scale? 


There are some that still believe Ni-H is thermonuclear and in fact, Pd-D
could be. In fact W-L theory tries hard not to be forced into making that
decision, and has QM features - but if the defining detail of that theory
involves neutrons, neutron capture - and subsequent weak-force reactions,
just as are seen in traditional physics - then it is a thermonuclear theory.


Theories that involve tunneling of protons in one form or another are QM
based - if no neutron is involved. QM is normally too low in probability to
account for much heat. But one aftermath of the development of the modern
CPU by Intel and others is that QM tunneling (of electrons) can be engineer
and optimized to occur at very high rates. A CPU operating a 2 GHz will have
electrons tunneling in predictable fashion the high terahertz range. The CPU
is a QM electron tunneling device operating at high probability.


The CPU is a good model to use for proton tunneling - where instead of a
small chip needing to shed 30 watts of heat (and not gainful) you have much
more heat, and importantly it is anomalous due to the tunneling. 


If there is gain, then it must be defined.  Without going into great detail
on defining the gain for now, except to say that it comes from the mass of
the proton, and it comes without much radiation or transmutation (some of
each, but way too little to account for the gain), then it is easier to
account for the quiescence phenomenon. 


Stated simply, quiescence involves "too much depletion" in the mass of the
hydrogen so that the high level of probability of tunneling is reduced. This
is where anything that relates to QM probability come in, and you have
already found papers suggestive of a few of these factors.


Rossi has designed a reactor where hydrogen is not circulated and it is
likely that he could eliminate the problem with periodic dumping of H2 and
reloading (every few hours) on a set schedule. There is evidence that DGT
may be doing this already.





From: Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint 


If quiescence is a reality, and *if* it will require a scientific/QM
understanding, the I don't think any amount of 'control engineering' is
going to be much help. one will need to find out the cause of the
quiescence, which is a physics problem.


If the quiescence is of a reasonable periodic nature (i.e., repeatable), or
if it gives you adequate 'warning' that it has started, then one could have
2 or 3 reactor cores inside, only one of which is 'running'.  When it begins
to go into quiescence, one then starts up one of the 'idle' cores. while
shutting down the quiescent one.  This is a brainless kind of solution, and
wouldn't work if the quiescent core needs to be unassembled in order to make
it 'ignite' again.  If reactive capability can be reinstated by shocking it
with a hi-V pulse or cycling H2 pressure, things like that, then it could be
automated and done while in-situ.  These are engineering problems, not
scientific ones.



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