No complaints here Axil. as far as I can recall, your postings have a high
SNR, very little repetition, good links to references.  Like Horace, you
tend to ignore the non-technical discussions, and seem to like working on a
theoretical understanding.  That's great!  As far as the 'indiscretion' is
concerned, if it was directed at Eff or even Shaun, they violated vortex
rules numerous times, so they had it coming. don't worry about it, just keep
on thinkin' and postin'.



From: Axil Axil [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance




Best regards to all:


I am happy to still be here having narrowly avoided the kill list. I
apologize for a singular, ill-advised, and unintentional indiscretion humbly
begging forgiveness with an earnest plea for redemption if that helps.




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