Do not fool yourself - the lab is adequate. What on earth were you expecting
to see- something from CERN funded by the taxpayer ? 


What is curious is the chart on the laptop. Blow it up. Of course, we do not
know what it purports to show, but the two spikes are indicative of what
have been known to appear in many early H2 fractional hydrogen experiments
in the past.


One possibility is based loosely on the Mills/Jansson video. First, there is
application of heat (note that the Hyperion has no external heater, and the
location of an internal heater is not clear). Then there is ignition and a
strong spike. This is exactly what happens in the Mills' "solid state"
reactor, which is more sophisticated than this, but similar in appearance.
Following the spike, there is a massive drop off in temperature, followed by
a continuing slide. Next, there is another spike - indicative of either a
second burst of H2 being added or some other stimulant (RF?).


This happened back in November. It indicates that DGT is months behind where
everyone assumed they were at this time, and 4-5 years behind Randell Mills
in similar testing.



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