It might well be that there are multiple reactions possible in the very
broad concept of cold fusion. It is my current humble opinion that it is a
mistake to try to cover all the instances of cold fusion with only one

One theory that might explain what is causing transmutation of elements in
an electric arc of a Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann reactor or in an
exploding metal foil experiment might not fit what is happening inside a
Rossi reactor or the ovaries of a chicken.

The W-L theory might well apply to reactions involving high energy
electrons; but I can’t see its application in a system involving the NiH

On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 1:16 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

>  W-L theory is already dead in the water for Ni-H for two reasons:****
> ** **
> **1)    **There is no neutron activation, which could not be avoided if
> the theory was valid****
> **2)    **The technology of “ultra low temperature” neutrons is well know
> and bears no resemblance to the invented species: “ultra low momentum”
> neutrons****
> ** **
> Note: SPAWAR claimed to see neutrons with deuterium - therefore W-L may
> apply to deuterium– not to Ni-H since no neutron is seen. They relatively
> are easy to detect when present. ****
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* James Bowery ****
> ** **
> The fervor with which W-L adherence advocate that theory is appropriate
> for a theory that has been strongly inferred experimentally against the
> array of competing theories.****
> ** **
> However, I see no such strong inference in evidence.****
> ** **
> Assuming nanotech can fabricate structures at the 15nm feature size, what
> sort of experiment would falsify the competing theories while producing
> results predicted by W-L?****
> ** **
> Jones Beene wrote:****
> ** **
> It is possible that somewhere down the road, a cross-over technology from a
> completely different field (like information technology) may be needed to
> take Ni-H to the required level of true "on demand" repeatability - over
> many months. To wit, something like this:
> cation-method-pushes-recording-density-to-3-3-Tb-per-square-inch/<>
> Imagine a nickel alloy film which is etched into perfectly sized excitons
> (or Casimir Cavities, or a combination or the two as pictured) ...
> They are down to below 30 nm now and 15 nm is mentioned. Getting below 10
> nm
> will be optimum (the Forster radius and FRET defines the required range)
> but
> the "space between the excitons" as shown in this image is already there
> (for Casimir pits).
> This story is emblematic of the kind of engineering effort that should be
> going into Ni-H now.
> We need to expend - not simply millions for R&D for this technology - but
> billions annually. It is that important. In the end the amount spent will
> be
> 'chump change' compared to the trillions saved - most of it now ending up
> in
> the coffers of OPEC.
> Jones
> ****
> ** **

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