I am jumping the gun a bit by posting some older background information on
the interplay between particle size and another variable ... one that can be
called "roughness," "structure," or specifically "fractal structure". 

The gentleman who brought this to my attention is not yet a vortex
subscriber, but hopefully he will be soon. (if Bill has reopened the forum
by now).

Anyway, the background of why all of this could be important to Ni-H should
be explained for those who missed prior postings relating to a DCE
(dynamical Casimir effect) ... or to FRET (Forster Radiant Energy Transfer)
which is turn could be the predecessor event(s) for secondary reactions,
including nuclear or suprachemical. 

Just a few months ago, a proposed metamaterial structure (to test for a
predicted large Casimir effect) - drew some interest. There is a paper on
ArXiv - "Huge Casimir effect at finite temperature in electromagnetic
Rindler space". Here is the story on a blog:

And before that "Fractal antenna arrays proposed as energy source" appeared
a couple of years ago. If it ever went anywhere towards experimental proof,
the news has not leaked out.

Anyway - there are several novel connection between fractals, anomalous
energy gain and active geometry, which keep coming up in the literature. The
geometry somehow alters spacetime - and it is more than the actual spatial
dimensions in nm, but also the layout. Fran Roarty has covered similar ideas
on his blog.

These have a common thread in that there is a known dynamic Casimir effect
(DCE) which can supply tiny excess energy due to spatial constraints (i.e.
altered spacetime). Consider also: 'Minkowski Space' is related to 'Rindler
Space' and also to 'De Sitter Space.' It is possible that all three of these
terms relate to a unique fractal of space-time (using 'fractal' in the
original sense of a fractional dimension) which becomes accessible at the
Forster radius of 2-12 nm. This is NOT normal 3-space, nor is it 2-space but
somewhere in between.


Look at the image here:


in the context of this article 


This all fits together in a way that is not easy to verbalize, but it seems
to involve 
1)      Double vortex
2)      Vortex flipping and self-oscillation
3)      Spatial geometry that relates to the Forster radius
4)      Exaggerated vibrational modes
5)      Is not always a gain in temperature - sometimes a loss is evident.

The problem is that this analysis is an early attempt to merge
mathematical-space with real space. I am hoping that verbalize these issues
is less of a problem for someone who understands all of this, especially
fractal space and time - better than I do.


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