>From Jed:




> As Daniel says, what could possibly cost $50,000 about this?

> What has Krivit done? He has not uncovered anything that has

> not been reported here, as far as I know. He went all the

> way to Italy to report that Rossi will not let people use

> their own instruments and the experiment is poorly done. 

> Rossi told me that when he invited me to visit. He said I

> can look but make no measurements. He described the

> experiment, and I thought was lousy. That took me about

> an hour and 6 e-mails to discover, not $50,000. I reported

> it here. End of story.


> This reminds me of Krivit's "investigation" of McKubre,

> which has revealed confusion in Krivit's own mind, but

> nothing in the real world.


In an addition to my previous arm-chair psychology analysis of Krivt.


I wouldn't have given out dollar amount, like the alleged $50,000 in labor
and expenses unless my intention had been to impress my readership with my
observational skills. Giving a dollar amount in the manner that he did tells
me this is all about Krivit's ego. He has now wrapped himself in a flag of
narcissistic self-importance because investigating Rossi, he claims, has
cost him "...a one-year delay/interference in covering real science." So,
Krivit is basically inferring to his readership to please admire him for all
of the thankless work he has performed to expose the scammer Rossi. Krivit
hopes we will all eventually get around to thanking and admiring him when we
all come around to his POV.


But now that Krivit has unwisely boasted of a specific dollar amount for all
of his investigative work to "expose" Rossi it automatically leads one to
ask WHO is footing all of Krivit's expenses to expose Rossi? It seems to me
that it isn't likely that one would shell out fifty grand unless the
benefactor expects to get something in return, even if that return is
nothing more than pushing for a specific ideological POV. If they didn't
like what Krivit was investigating and subsequently publishing, no more
funding. It's a simple as that.


So, who is backing Krivit? What are their motivations, their educational



Steven Vincent Johnson




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