The efficiency of food production can be increased many fold by the
elimination of most non-essential animal parts and systems. The elimination
of unproductive body parts such as skin, bones, fat, nerves, head, hoofs,
beaks, claws, hair, feathers, intestines, reproductive parts, and the
others sundries that have evolved over time to keep an animal viable as an
independent biological machine can be eliminated with a concomitant gain in
power and cost efficiency.

Not having to walk, keep warm, think, excrete, and the other essentials of
everyday life greatly reduces the food processing waste products and
real-estate requirements involved with animal based food production.

Not having to meet the nutritional interfaces of standalone and independent
biological systems is a real plus.

A pound of hamburger or frankfurter protein can be produced with great
efficiency from a soylent green type slim based cultured biological
emulsions in million barrel vats compared to current animal husbandry
technology by at least an order of magnitude in productivity in terms of
power consumed per pound of product.

On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 1:59 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> In a thread infected with the recursive Vo error, Harry Veeder <
>> wrote:
>> Growing plants for food may be energy inefficient, but eating animals
>> strikes me as indulgent
>> and unethical if we could chemical synethsize all our food needs.
> I do not think it will be possible to synthesize food in the near future.
> Perhaps it will hundreds of years from now. For the next few hundred years
> I expect conventional biological methods will be used. For plants, this
> means production in food factories, probably with hydroponics. For meat, I
> predict it will mean in vitro production. See:
> I believe rapid progress is being made in this field. I hope it succeeds,
> soon. I agree that it is cruel and unethical to eat animals if we have a
> humane alternative such as in vitro production. I expect the product of in
> vitro production will be healthier for the humans who eat it.
> - Jed

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