A NiH reactor will dissipate any  electric potential required to meet the
750K Ev constraint for P+E to N production as fast as it is formed. The
reactor walls are grounded and EMF will flow through the hydrogen plasma to
the grounded reactor walls.

W+L may happen in some systems but I can’t see how it could happen in a
Rossi reactor or it’s like. Hydrogen plasma will short circuit the entire
L+W process.

The heavy electrons will follow the heat through the hydrogen plasma right
out the reactor vessel walls into the coolant.

I like coherence as an explanation of cold fusion because such a system is
responsive to decoherence as an energy production mechanism.

In a coherent system, a cosmic ray trigger like a million other things, is
an interface or interaction to the external world. This interaction is
called in QM terminology  decoherence.

Anytime a coherent system interacts (i.e. produces energy) with the outside
world, decoherence occurs.

On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 3:39 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

> I have a question that has bugged me for quite some time now and maybe one
> of you would humor me with a simple explanation.
> Do we have to consider the total energy required for a P + e to become a N
> to have to arise out of a non active material?  By this I refer to a
> material that is not currently generating LENR reactions until the
> conversion is met.
> I ask this question because it appears that the actual LENR reactions
> release much more energy than that required to initiate the next one.  Why
> are we not able to "steal" some energy and be on our merry way?
> My assumption is that the first reaction is a result of an external effect
> such as a cosmic ray trigger.  Thanks for advancing my understanding of the
> phenomenon.
> Dave
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: pagnucco <pagnu...@htdconnect.com>
> To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Mon, Feb 20, 2012 3:01 pm
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:A brief, semi-classical take on Widom-Larsen theory
> Alain,
> I am trying to find minimal semi-classical models for W-L theory.
> Quantum W-L theory requires intense local e-m fields.
> Metallic nano-structures can super-focus coulomb and magnetic fields.
> Surface probes show huge amplifications at nano-sized "hotspots" - even
> after 2-Dimensional filtering which smudges and attenuates peaks.
> Does a "hotspot" electron passing free protons (with equal, opposite
> momentum) or an immobile proton experience enough ampere force long enough
> to overcome the 780 KeV barrier, producing a ULMN?
> Using classical physics, the two references I cited indicate that in
> nanostructures, conduction electrons' momentum, inertial mass and magnetic
> energy can be vastly larger than in macroscopic circuits.  Maybe a
> semi-classical analysis can yield reasonable results - if actual field
> strengths, charge densities, electron velocities,... are used?
> Are entanglement, nonlocality, Bose condenscation, ... really needed?
> I'm uncertain.  Good data is hard to find.
> Thanks for the reply,
> Lou Pagnucco
> On Sun, 19 Feb 2012, Alain Sepeda wrote:
> if you red WL theory, they say that the neutrons are generated
> from coherents pairs of p+e, and the result is a group of possible neutrons
> widely distributed among the coherents p, thus slow and delocalized
> a kind of schodinger cat gang
> most are alive, but one is dead, but nobody knows which, so the dead cat is
> wide, thus slow
> 2012/2/16 <pagnu...@htdconnect.com>
> > W-L LENR theory claims ultra-low momentum neutrons (ULMNs) are created
> > - quite surprising if due to high kinetic energy e-p collisions.
> >
> > Overcoming the electroweak effective potential barrier that repels
> > an electron from a proton (= udu 'quark bag') requires 780 KeV.
> >
> > Can slow (non-relativistic) electrons climb the barrier by borrowing
> > just enough potential magnetic (but no kinetic) energy - leaving ULMNs?
> >
> > As shown in [1], in nanowires. almost no conduction electron energy is
> > kinetic.  Almost all is likely stored in virtual exchange photons.
> >
> > On metal hydride nano-particle surfaces, plasma electrons and protons
> > can oscillate in parallel and opposite directions .
> > -- When velocity = 0, coulomb force brings some e-p pairs together
> > -- as velocity increases, magnetic ampere force pinches e-p pairs closer
> >
> > Semiclassically, this increasing ampere force is equivalent to a rising
> > linear potential in a time-varying Schroedinger equation - Graphically:
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >  MIN AMPERE FORCE       ----------------> AMPERE FORCE RISES
> >
> >       ^                 ^            ^         ^
> >       .                 .            .         .
> > \      .           \     .        \   .        \.
> >  \     .            \    .         \  .         \ e
> >  \    .    +-+ +--  \   .  +-+ +-  \ . +-+ +-   |:+-
> >   \   .    | | | ^   \  .  | | |    \.e| | |    |:|
> >    \  .    | | | |    \ .  | | |     \_| | |    |:|
> >     \ .    | | | |     \   | | |         | |    |V|
> >      \     | | |780     \ e| | |         | |    | |
> >       \    | |u|KeV      \_| |u|         |u|    |u|
> >        \   | |d| |           |d|         |d|    |d| --> ULMN (ddu)
> >         \ e| |u| |           |u|         |u|    |u|     + neutrino
> >          \_| |_| V           |_|         |_|    |_|
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > An electron arriving at a potential wall is pushed forward by the
> > magnetic coupling to millions of conduction electrons and back-reacts
> > by borrowing some of their collective momentum (Newton's 3rd Law).
> >
> > Ref[2] shows that electrons in nanowires can acquire enormous inertial
> > mass from this coupling - distinct, I believe, from relavistic mass
> > - which may make the surface plasma appear as an extremely viscous
> > fluid to gamma rays, and could trap most high-energy gammas.
> >
> >
> > [1]"How Much of Magnetic Energy is Kinetic Energy?" - Kirk T. McDonald
> > http://puhep1.princeton.edu/~mcdonald/examples/kinetic.pdf
> >
> > [2]"Extremely Low Frequency Plasmons in Metallic Microstructures"
> > http://www.cmth.ph.ic.ac.uk/photonics/Newphotonics/pdf/lfplslet.pdf
> >
> > Comments/corrections very welcome,
> > Lou Pagnucco

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