On 02/21/2012 07:01 PM, lorenhe...@aol.com wrote:
Uhh... they're currently up in space, as in numerous vehicle/craft, that
are utilizing an  altogether highly developed new form of sophisticated
energy-field, that is tapped into all mass-matter/energy, and/or the earth's
gravity&  magnetosphere.
                                                 What we're essentially
talking about is a capability that enables 'them'  to  interpret, anticipate,
and/or operate not only every 'thing' , but all living creatures as well,,,,
especially the neuro-activity or function of our brain.>  Again,,, your
talking about an ability that not only operates matter w/ ungodly precision, 
a very  considerable distance in space, but as-well from 'within' our very
soul (if you will),,, and so, I'd say it's about as easy as when you flip-on
a switch on an appliance.... talk about a set-up!.... maybe kind'a like
Ohms&  Resistance in electric current, only by speeding up or down all this
'stuff' on some super micro-subatomic level.

             Maybe this will help....   if you were looking up into the
nightsky thru a telescope, in their direction, they would have already been
fully aware of you, and either moved-out of your view, and/or play around with
in such a way that you aren't quick enough to even actually realize it>  Case
in point, some of these craft have a reflective surface on their outside
skin, and/or a bulb-like dome on the underside,,, and so, a 'Flash' of light
can be used in less-time it takes for you to wink, and distract or
rediverting your attention.... I kid you not?

                           So anyway,  I suspect that  some highly developed
form of cold fusion is being used to power the system that is enabling
'them' to be up there, but I am not not an expert on this subject, but am
well-versed in the abilities of 'those' powerfully capable highly advanced
civilizations, that have to be at least 10 million years older, or somewhere
between that, to multi-billions of years further along than us,,,, and/or we're 
  'new' on the block, that we might (I fear) be referred to as still in our
diapers.... waaaaah!!

Something like that, yes, but without all the crafts and stuff. And without the childish and exaggerated tone, too.

Paragraphs. The 'globs' are usually called paragraphs. Look it up.

            <<  Extraterrestrians can be all around us right now, and we just
don't notice them. That's what I tend to think.>>

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