The forum is more than a place to answer questions and make
annoucements. If Defkalion listened carefully, the forum is telling
them how to communicate more effectively with ALL their supporters,
not just the adoring fans. The adoring fans and pathological skeptics
always seem to roughly balance in numbers. However, they could raise
an army of conditional supporters if they listened to them in earnest.


On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 6:37 PM, Craig Brown <> wrote:
> Every single alternative energy forum suffers from the same problem.  An
> infestation by the establishment trolls foaming at the mouth and conducting
> themselves in the manor of a religious cult in their denouncement of
> ANYTHING that strays from scientific dogma. They will not let up in pushing
> their agenda on everyone.  It's has so many parallels with religious
> fanatacism, but try explaining that to them - they are blinkered.  Even the
> biggest of believers do not push their belief systems onto people with such
> determination.
> I've seen it on the Steorn forum, the EEStor forum, and now Defkalion.
> This place also came close also until Hody and co were told their services
> were no longer needed. They were flushed down the plughole and disappeared
> in a VORTEX (pun intended).

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