Great to see you all back from the future to reality.

See the following Chan links:
See Hideki  at:
See Tengzelius at:
See Lucky Saint at:
See Te Chung at:

Question, take your best shot at designing a LERN apparatus that should produce excess heat. One that you are capable of putting together by yourself for under $500. Specify what and where ro buy materials. Enought of the pipe dream boring BS. This is a challenge for you. Are you all more than just passing wind?

Warm Regards,

Reliable wrote:
Lewis Larsen (Lattice Energy LLC) has posted a new presentation entitled -
"Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENRs)
New neutron data consistent with WLS mechanism in lightning" - at -

He presents evidence that electrons and protons in coherent/collective
motion on metal hydride surfaces, where e-m energy is highly focused, can
form low momentum neutrons which initiate LENR events.

Slides 18-20 ("Nucleosynthesis in exploding wires and lightning I-III")
review the very old (1922) controversy between Wendt and Rutherford on
whether large current pulses through tungsten wires could induce
transmutations. (See preprint:

Wendt, using intense current pulses of strongly inductively coupled
electrons, saw transmutations, whereas Rutherford, using a sparse beam of
uncoupled high velocity electrons, saw none.  Rutherford's eminence
trumped Wendt's more modest reputation.

Now, this cannot be a difficult, nor expensive, experiment to reproduce -
using Wendt's procedure, not Rutherford's.

Has anyone tried to reproduce it?


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