"This is a new phenomenon we're observing, exclusively at the nanoscale, and
it is completely contrary to our intuition and knowledge of Joule heating at
larger scales-for example, in things like your toaster," says first author
Kamal Baloch, who conducted the research while a graduate student at the
University of Maryland. "The nanotube's electrons are bouncing off of
something, but not its atoms. Somehow, the atoms of the neighboring
materials-the silicon nitride substrate-are vibrating and getting hot


"The effect is a little bit weird," admits John Cumings, an assistant
professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering who oversaw
the research project. He and Baloch have dubbed the phenomenon "remote Joule


An Unreal Discovery


For the UMD researchers, the experience of the discovery was like what you
or I might have felt, if, on a seemingly ordinary morning, we began to make
breakfast, only to find certain things happening that seem to violate normal
reality. The toast is burned, but the toaster is cold. The switch on the
stove is set to "HI" and the teapot is whistling, but the burner isn't hot.


Of course, Baloch, Cumings and their colleagus weren't making breakfast in a
kitchen, but running experiments in an electron microscopy facility at the
A. James Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland.  They
ran their experiments over and over, and the result was always the same:
when they passed an electrical current through a carbon nanotube, the
substrate below it grew hot enough to melt metal nanoparticles on its
surface, but the nanotube itself seemed to stay cool, and so did the metal
contacts attached to it.


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