11.05.2012, 22:15, "David Roberson" <>:
> The atomic battery I referred to operates in this manner:  Rossi wrote a 
> paper which stated that his reaction occurs when a proton enters the nucleus 
> of a nickel atom.  The newly minted and excited copper atom then releases an 
> energetic positron by positive beta decay.  The energetic positron is capable 
> of overcoming a large voltage potential and reaches the case conductive 
> material where it is annihilated by an electron.  This causes a current flow 
> within the outer casing and active medium to reestablish net charge 
> balance.   The nickel-hydrogen mixture would attempt to develop a negative 
> charge as the positrons escape.
> The original atomic batteries operated in a similar manner.  The main problem 
> encountered with this battery system is that the voltage generated is quite 
> large and the current flow small.  The open circuit voltage depends upon the 
> energy carried by the charged particles while the short circuit current is 
> determined by the number of reactions occurring per second.  The resulting 
> high impedance source is difficult to match as optimum energy delivery is 
> achieved.
> Newer and improved batteries use a PN junction to multiply the current 
> available at much lower voltage.  I suspect that it is possible to extract 
> more of the energy contained within the particles by the original technique 
> provided that an efficient voltage converter is obtainable that operates at 
> high voltage.
> I currently do not think that the atomic battery concept makes a significant 
> contribution to the reaction, but it does offer an alternate way of 
> thinking.  Perhaps the charge imbalance actively stirs up the core mixture 
> as negatively charged nickel nanoparticles become attracted to the outer case 
> where they release the excess electrons.  Is it possible that the net 
> negative charge appearing upon each nickel nanoparticle further accelerates 
> protons released by the spark plug ion generator?  Perhaps this effect would 
> help explain the concentration of energy in active surface regions of the 
> devices.
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jojo Jaro <>
> To: vortex-l <>
> Sent: Fri, May 11, 2012 2:57 am
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:"Progress Photographs" pdf from Defkalion Green Technologies
> ...
> I am unfamiliar with the Atomic Battery calculations you are alluding to.  
> Can you please elaborate?
> Jojo
> ....

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