Sorry, this is late.  I meant to reply to your post about "that" light, but 
time has been  in short supply.  At any rate, if you had been watching the 
nightsky over the years as much as I have, especially in a more studious 
manner, you would likely have noticed "this" light at least 5 times a year.     
          About 12 yrs ago, I watched it as it came into view from 
due-west, traveling due east.  It was almost what I'd say was a rather 'huge' 
too bright yellow light (maybe what the sun might look like from jupiter), and 
traveling at a very high rate of speed, much moreso than the other more 
brighter white ones I've seen many times over the years.                        
                                                               I watched it 
travel the entire sky from horizon to horizon (altho it was mostly dark) in 
about a half a minute. While it could have been mistaken for an airplane, 
that would 'only' be because you hadn't spent the previous 15 yrs studying 
the nightsky, and  witnessed many a light show that were under *highly* 
intelligent control.                                                            
                                                   I'll tell you right here 
& now that most people who have their attention refocused by a strange 
obvious light on ocassion, simply don't have a reason or the time to look up at 
the nightsky on a regular basis.  If they did however, and especially by 
letting *you know who*  know that you're aware of them and their presence, I 
guarantee you that you will begin to see some very unbelievable sights.        
                    If you live in an area where there are no immediate 
bright street or city lights to obfuscate your view of the nightsky above you, 
then I would suggest you take advantage of it once & while or as often as  
you can. You will see first-hand what has very highly likely been up there 
long before *our* time began. The only thing is that you will have trouble 
with what you're seeing, because first you allow yourself to look away right 
when it starts to get very interesting.                                        
     It's not something you'll tend to even believe at first, or 
understand, and/or even a needd to relate to. All you'll essentially be able to 
do is 
to explain it away, so as to fit more easily into the boundaries of this 
limited world view (sorry, no offence).                                         
                                          Over the many years, I have seen 
so very much that I no longer spend near as much time as I use to looking 
up. Many years ago already, I determined beyond any doubt that our 
civilization and/or human mode of being, and this good 'old planet earth that 
we are so 
very dependent upon for our survival, has for all intents & purposes long 
since been obsolete.                                                          
me there's no longer a question about Evolution vs Creation, because the 
way I se it is that you simply can't have one without the other. Interesting 
enough, while we use powerful telescopes to peer into the beginning of the 
universe where & when the first galaxies were just forming, and even beyond 
that where only a dark void exists,  a highly advanced civilization has gone 
much Much farther than that, in that that void has been affected so as to 
bring about what we now call the universe.  It looks to me is that *time* was 
created in time in an instant, after but before (it's so simple).             
      Not only are *they* interpreting the world of matter/energy in a much 
more intracate detailed manner, but are operating it from afar, with 
absolute precision.  What we're actually talking about is in-fact the real true 
Power of the Almighty, an unbelievably  extremely well-coordinated or combined 
effort of many craft that emit a very powerful energy field that can pierce 
right into time itself.                                                     
                                                    Now, I know what you're 
thinking, because I didn't quite believe it either at first,,, but there it 
is, never-the-less, in a nutshell. You can be sure of one thing, and that 
is that *We* have an awful long way to go before our distant highly evolved 
and/or developed future relatives (relatively speaking of course) even begin 
to contemplate real actual space travel in the extreme, and/or w/o 
biological dependecies.  There is only *one* system that will do it all, and it 
ion-power, antimatter, antigravity, warpdrive, or wormholes, blackholes, or 
anything that simply won't enable real space to be traveled in real time, 
w/o fail.                                                                     
                     >> I know not what it was, by Frank Znidarsic          
                                                   I saw something strange 
in the sky tonight over Johnstown PA.  It was a light several times brighter 
than Venus.  It was far away and appered just a little bigger than point 
like.  The diameter was bigger than a star.  It was at an angle of 70 degrees 
up in the sky south of Johnstonwn PA  USA.   If I had to guess I would say 
10,000 feet. The sky was clear.  The moon and Venus were showing.  The time 
wave 8:50 PM.

What attracted it me was its color.  It was not the color of any aircraft 
landing light.  It was redish orange in color, sort of like the color of a 12 
volt incandescnet bulb run on 6 volts.  The color was a good match for one 
of those solar powered road signs.  There was a road warning sign near by 
and I matched the color.  It was a good match.

It did not move like an aircraft.  It meandered around at a low velocity 
for about one minute.  Then it got dimmer and cycled off and on on random 
intervals of about two second intervals..  An aircraft would have to be 
traveling in circules to do this.  Then it vanished.  It had not moved for its 
positon when it vanished.  If it were a helocopter it should had still been 
visible. <<

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