I just wanted to say a few more words on "That" which has been up there 
since only *you know who*  knows when.  First, highly advanced civilizations 
spacecraft consist either of a highly reflective surface, while others are 
less so.                                                                        
    Upon my doing some thorough research into this whole complete *other* 
matter over the many years (any & all relative activity), and in-particular 
an actual daytime photo and/or video of an advanced spacecraft hovering 
motionless over a field at only about  2 hundred feet or so from the 
(forget hoax, as it could not be disproved),,, plus, a first-hand eyewitness 
account that described a craft that landed at night, in the very back of 
their property several hundred fet away,,, plus, what I would say is authentic 
video of this landed craft.                                                 
  The authenticity of this video could not be disproven, yet was regarded 
as such.  At any rate, it had a bulb-like dome on it's underside that emitted 
a relatively bright light,,, thus, enabling me to conclude that some 
advanced spacecraft have some type of translucent obsidian material that can 
up as bright as a sun (if you happen to be undeneath it.                    
                                                         Some advanced 
spacecraft also consist of a highly reflective surface, while others do not, 
and/or consist more of a dulled-down metallic surface.  So, over the many years 
of me not only observing the skies for countless hours w/ the unaided eye, 
seeing all those countless lights up in space doing all sorts of things, 
plus, a first-hand witness to a craft performing maneuvers in the daytime at 
about a mile or two distance, which had an eerily metallic-glow from the 
morning sun reflecting off of,,, as it went up and down & around and back & 
and up & down again.  As it maneuvered about in a 3 to 5 hundred foot 
range, it seem to emit a sort of swirling tail, which was obviously an optical 
effect, due to it's surface and angle to the sun.                              
                                                               Now, I've 
done alot of homework over the years, and determined that many people  have 
first-hand witnessed the direct effects and/or activities of a powerful 
energy-field being emitted from some of  these highly advanced spaceraft.  To 
it up , simply, the vegetation in this world and/or materials we produce 
have been structurally altered, such as soil dehydration or unable to absorb 
H2O, and/or conveted back into its base compound. Vegetation in the form of 
circles have been knocked down, trees magnetized, people subdued or knocked 
out, and/or their vehicle subdued while they were fully awake. All of these 
things are done w/o any physical contact and/or by an energyfield.             
                  Guages, instrumentation, & electronic systems subdued or 
altered, radios jammed, or simply static.  The list goes on & on as to what 
has been happening over the years, but *not* on a level that affects the 
overall physche of the majority of people in our society, or on a mass scale... 
IOW's, most people now believe it's possible that other intelligent life 
could exist, however, there is no real proof..... so, we'll have to search the 
stars for variations in their wobble, that can predict an earthsized planet 
(oh wel, it's better than nothing, I guess ).                               
                                                              Now, I know 
this topic is OT (Obviously True), and besides, it's just too controversial, 
and is regarded by many level headed down to earth people (who have never 
actually looked up) who tend to be highly trained professionals, and obviously 
have a fear of being labeled "spaced out".... however, it's all actually 
quite relative, and if you really wanted to, this whole complete other matter 
can be fully known by us, here & now.                                        
                                  For me, there no longer is any question 
about it, because Technological Heaven has been absolutely thoroughly 
accomplished, and it is *we* that have yet to develope "that" technology which 
determine (beyond all doubt) fact from ficition, or reality from fantasy, 
or this deplorably limited biological mortal life, from one IN Space that is 
free, independent, and with unbelievable ability & mobility beyond our 
imagination (not quite),  that can not only travel and exist among the stars, 
build these worlds below, that we well-grounded in-the-flesh human beings 
currently deem capable only of God.      Bye now. </HTML>

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