
I read your webpage regarding this potential Fusion Project, although I found it rather lacking in detail and I am still unsure what you are trying to achieve or how to achieve it. Are you in a position to reveal more of your theory in terms an Engineer amd a businessman can understand, not a physicist trained in Quantum Mechanics. I'm sure I'm not alone in this forum that is eager to hear a comprehensive and clear presentation of your ideas just as Axil has superbly done. Please gather your ideas into one comprehensive narrative and post them here or at your site.

Anyways, I am prepared to spend a small fortune in getting a commercial cold fusion reactor to the market, if (a big IF) I am convinced of the theoritical viability of the project. I have been looking for such an opportunity as well as pursuing this goal myself. Despite my obvious lack of success thus far, many times, I feel that I am closer to commericialization than Mill's endless "hydrino" pronounciations.

Quite honestly, Mills has had decades and considerably more than $100,000 that you estimate, to bring his Hydrino Theory reactor to fruition without apparent success. No insult or ridicule intended, but what makes you think that you can build a reactor based on his theory that will outperform what he has produced so far, when the "maestro" himself has been unsuccessful?

Please do not take this post as a snide remark to ridicule or to insult. I guenuinely want to know.


----- Original Message ----- From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:about Triumph Management (and LENR)

I've already found it (in theory), I just need a bit of technical (engineering) help, and the finances to do it. Depending on what has to be paid for and how
much it costs, the cost could vary anywhere from nothing to say 100 grand.
Any university with an engineering department and a few willing grad students
could probably do it for nothing. The device is quite simple.
Testing it however could be a bit dicey, as it *might* produce copious gamma
It should produce power at the (multi)kilowatt level.
(Consistently and controllably over a wide range).


Robin van Spaandonk

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