Guenter Wildgruber <> wrote:

> As far as memory serves, the Pons/Fleischmann Pd-material has been
> delivered by an italian manufacturer, who had a very peculiar way of
> processing the material.
> Because P/F were not aware of that, they did not disclose it as relevant.
> So also did not the replicators. So they failed.

No, it was provided by Johnson Matthey, a precious metals company. It is
the type of Pd they use in hydrogen filters, developed in the 1930s.
Fleischmann described in some detail. I uploaded his descriptions here a
couple of times in the past. Precise details are a trade secret.

Other hydrogen filter Pd has worked well. It is not surprising. The
material has all of the characteristics Storms recommends in "How to
produce the Fleischmann-Pons effect."

- Jed

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