Axil, I am searching for a mechanism that prevents the gammas from being 
released during the reaction.  In my estimation, if they are released it will 
be nearly impossible to safely absorb them.  The entangled or coupled proton 
concept appears to get around several of the major obstacles provided that it 
is valid.

Thanks for digging up the range of the strong force and related information.  
If you take the diameter of the nucleons of 1.6 - 1.7 fm and divide it by two 
you get approximately .825 fm.  It looks interesting that .7 fm is the closest 
range that one can come toward the nucleus before it becomes strongly 
repulsive.  That is virtually in contact at that range (.825 - .7) and if they 
were structurally hard items then this makes a lot of sense.  I also find the 
fact that the distance at which the strong force becomes insignificant of 2.5 
fm suggestive.  I am expecting to see an enormous amount of acceleration of the 
proton if it is to radiate energy within the gamma frequency range.  The mass 
of a proton is significantly larger than an electron so the force required to 
enable it to radiate electromagnetic energy in that range has to be extreme.  
If you consider that the proton travels only a short distance (2.5 - .85 fm) 
after the strong force prevails during which time all of the coulomb barrier 
energy (~5 MeV) and most of the binding energy (~8 MeV) is imparted upon it, 
you are witnessing an amazing acceleration event.  

I believe that it is generally accepted that the photon is the particle 
associated with electromagnetic interactions.  Does this suggest that if we 
measure electromagnetic radiation in the form of a gamma ray that it is the 
result of one of these interactions?   I do not recall any other method of 
releasing electromagnetic radiation except by accelerating a charged particle.  
Perhaps you or some other members of the vort have seen cases where this is not 
true.  Any cases presented as evidence against this proposition must be 
reliable and not obscured by measurement difficulties.  For instance, if it is 
suggested that gamma rays are emitted by an excited nucleus then the proven 
physical release mechanism should be stated.  Only then can it be determined to 
be unrelated to accelerated charges.

Can the strong force release any form of radiation that escapes into the 
distant world?  I suspect that it can only release energy that we detect by 
causing one or more of the charged particles within the nucleus to undergo 
acceleration.  The form of this acceleration might be rotational as in a 
rapidly spinning nucleus.  Some would expect this energy of rotation to be 
quantized and why not?  Also, the efficiency of a extremely tiny radiator of 
this nature would be poor for low frequency emission since the charges are so 
closely help in tight quarters.  But on the other hand I can not imagine that 
the nucleus could rotate at a rate that supports gamma frequencies.

Forgive me guys for going off on a tangent here as my thoughts attempt to build 
a model ever more inclusive.


-----Original Message-----
From: Axil Axil <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Wed, Jun 27, 2012 2:55 am
Subject: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]: Dave’s Demon and Radiation Free LENR

If 100 or more protons work as a team, then I would estimate that as example a 
gamma ray with an energy of 8 MeV would instead distribute the energy into an 
average of 80 keV slices.
I am pleased that you now consider entangled protons as a possible mechanism 
for the thermalization of gamma radiations in the Ni-H reaction.
The binding energy made available by the fusion reaction is transferred to the 
coherent and entangled ensemble of protons when the fusion process completes. 
Whenever energy on any kind is transferred within an entangled ensemble, this 
assemblage becomes decoherent.
As Dr. Kim states, this thermalization process can be proven when the nuclear 
reaction products from the Ni-H reaction are characterized. These products of 
double proton fusion are unique and are easily described.
On another note…
My helpful demon indicates that the energy from a Rossi type proton addition 
reaction can be slowly absorbed if a force is available that retards the normal 
proton acceleration due to the strong force interaction.
The force is powerfully attractive between nucleons at distances of about 1 
femtometer (fm) between their centers, but rapidly decreases to insignificance 
at distances beyond about 2.5 fm. At very short distances less than 0.7 fm, it 
becomes repulsive, and is responsible for the physical size of nuclei, since 
the nucleons can come no closer than the force allows.
To put the range of the strong force into perspective, since the proton is 
about 1.6–1.7 fm in diameter, the effective range of the strong force is no 
more than one diameter of the proton.
The proton does not have much of a chance to accelerate with an effective range 
of only one proton diameter to do it in.
Cheers:  Axil

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 1:36 AM, David Roberson <> wrote:

In this particular situation I was referring to a feature of hot fusion 
reactions where the parts that fuse contain the necessary kinetic energy that 
is converted into potential energy as the nuclei come closer together.  The 
source of the kinetic energy is temperature in the millions of degrees range 
and the reactants are in the form of plasma as a result.  The high temperature 
also forces the plasma to be far less dense than a crystalline solid.
I recall that the density of atoms within a crystal is orders of magnitude more 
than within a hot plasma.   This density information is available if you need a 
more accurate estimate but it will take a bit of effort to locate it.  Perhaps 
one of the vorts will supply it from memory.
My main reason for mentioning this factor is to suggest that the far larger 
number of protons per volume present within LENR devices would allow coupling 
between them that can not readily occur within a plasma.  I believe that many 
of the unusual features of LENR devices would become evident if significant 
coupling of free protons is proven to occur within the crystal structure.  If 
100 or more protons work as a team, then I would estimate that as example a 
gamma ray with an energy of 8 MeV would instead distribute the energy into an 
average of 80 keV slices.  My helpful demon indicates that the energy from a 
Rossi type proton addition reaction can be slowly absorbed if a force is 
available that retards the normal proton acceleration due to the strong force 
interaction.   Remember that this is a hypothesis and the coupling between a 
significant number of protons has not been proven.  Also, it needs to be shown 
that the gamma ray that is typically released at the moment that the proton 
enters the nucleus originates from the acceleration of that proton and not some 
other mechanism.
It is well established that an accelerated charged particle releases 
electromagnetic radiation and therefore I would be surprised if none were to be 
emitted as the strong force grabs hold of the proton that has breached the 
coulomb barrier.  There also should be radiation emission during the initial 
approach of the proton while it is under the influence of coulomb repulsion by 
the positively charged nucleus unless this process proceeds at a steady rate.
I  want to mention that my thoughts are based upon classical physics models and 
some quantum mechanics behavior might render them inoperable.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Walker <>
To: vortex-l <>

Sent: Tue, Jun 26, 2012 10:24 pm
Subject: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]: Dave’s Demon and Radiation Free LENR

On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 9:31 AM, David Roberson <> wrote: 

The density of the plasma is many times lower than in our LENR case so 
components are further apart by necessity.

Could you clarify what you have in mind, here?  Pons and Fleischmann initially 
thought that they were creating a system in which incredible pressure was being 
exerted upon the deuterium by the palladium lattice. I think the consensus now 
is that the effective pressure on deuterium and hydrogen loaded in a crystal 
like that is not actually all that much, and that the mechanism must be due to 
something other than the interstitial spacing of hydrogen between metal atoms.

I actually like the idea of high pressure driving the reaction, but the 
pressure would not arise from loading.


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