Please forgive speculation based on too little information, and on a story
that is just breaking. I do realize that none of the numbers are firm yet,
and that I am trying to wedge into the big-picture a few energy anomalies
which could be unconnected in the end, and which few in physics believe

However, if there is any remote connection between all of this
Higgs-hyperbole and maximizing the output of LENR in Ni-H reactions, then it
is worth and early stab. Not to mention that emergent new meme - that the
Higgs field = aether = zpe, roughly speaking.

After all, we taxpayers need to get out some tiny return out for the
billion$ sunk into that particular black (money) hole.

Ok first off. Yours truly has been a big proponent for Ni-64 being the
active isotope in Ni-H reactions for reasons which are in the archives and
will not be repeated.

It is probably yet another coincidence  that this isotope is one half the
atomic mass of what could be the Higgs (aether) value, depending on details
to emerge later. Actually 63Ni, which is unstable would be the best fit for
½ of what I believe is the best value - 126 amu. 

Admittedly this could be a failing attempt to match up the shadows on the
wall of Plato's cave, but heck ... the effort is shaping up better than a
random-walk, thus far.
                1 amu = 931.46 MeV/c2 or alternatively  1 GeV = 1.074 amu.
Ergo 125 GeV =~ 134 amu.

                The reported anomaly identified with the Higgs boson or
field is at 125 GeV but that does not mean that 134 amu is a usable value
for the equivalent rest mass.

                Xenon has an stable isotope with mass at 134 and that argues
against this being the precise mass of the Higgs boson, or whatever was
identified recently in data that every PR firm in the world is being paid to
pump up as if it were actually really a god ... and even though all of these
analogies is bit like comparing apples to oranges. 

                However, there is other evidence indicating that the rest
mass of the particle in question would be less. I have accumulated some
hints that suggest it is lower - around 126 amu. At this level, there could
be repercussions in 3-space with a few adjoining isotopes, especially if the
Higgs field were a fractal space which we can identify with aether.
Understanding this would open the door to how a higher dimension can
interact with 3-space.

                It should be noted that among the dangerous or proscribed
materials that citizens of the USA cannot possess under The Code of Federal
regulations of the United States of America, are two tellurium nuclear
isomers with amu of 125 and 127.

                Probably coincidence, as is that gap at iodine 126.


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