>From Axil

> Things are moving very fast in LENR and is difficult to
> keep up with Rossi let along surpass him.

...and from David:

> The control is now far superior if the recent reports are accurate.

I suspect not everyone within the Vort Collective shares what appears
to be a new level enthusiasm coming from certain members. Too many
implied predictions from Rossi over the past year and a half have come
and gone, causing many to become just a tad jaded. While I genuinely
hope Rossi's latest accomplishments in the solid state realm are
exactly what they claim to be, major accomplishments, the man also
appears to be an accomplished carnival barker. It's not that I'm
implying Rossi is deliberately lying about his latest claims. For me,
it's more a matter of recalling something Mr. Spock once said: "I
exaggerated." IOW, Calculated [dis?]information to keep the wheels

I wait for more forthcoming solid evidence and independent validation.
A prototype where we are allowed to kick the tires would be nice too.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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